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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
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Roman Kolyada. Expectancy. /eco-pack/.

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Roman Kolyada. Expectancy. /eco-pack/.
When Roman was deciding about whether he should record the new album solo and in an ensemble, personally I voted for the ensemble – but. I'm now listening to "Expectancy" with pleasure: it has still worked out well. And I also think: this album can no worse than, say, the debut one ("Look into the Sky") serve as an introduction to Kolyada the musician, because it is not inferior in respect of its transparency and richness of colors – and yet it reveals him deeper, which is natural given the time and experience. Several pieces in the beginning are just about how it was before. And then – you catches yourself thinking: no, this is not ragtime – but a clear echo, and the figure of a ballroom pianist emerges in your imagination.. And then – you discover that it was the beginning, because the music departs from the shore of abstract lyricism and starts its travel throughout the world. Somewhere you hear the echo of North America, somewhere – of the Mediterranean, and here is a daguerreotype of Vilnius. Some themes just must make their way to a film – while others seem to challenge the idea of ​​intentional visualization, because there is fullness that should not be dispersed with any "reinforcement".. This album is like the delta of a powerful river, it hides under the lace of varieties its confident vector common for all the tracks. These are melodies of wide open eyes, which can be listened to even in complete darkness – and that are even able to help.. see.
Medium: CDr-Pro

Publisher: Nash Format
Year: 2017

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Roman Kolyada

Domestic price: 311.64UAH
International price: $15.90USD
1. Mp3expectancy (ochikuvannja)
2.  she who listens (ta, jaka slukhaje)
3. Mp3galactic melancholy (halaktychna melankholija)
4.  winter flower (zymova kvitka)
5. Mp3reflections (refleksiji)
6. Mp3memories of a princess (spohady pro pryntsesu)
7.  "and whence is this to me..." ("i zvidky tse meni...")
8. Mp3between the heartbeats (mizh udaramy sertsja)
9. Mp3not for me, not for you, not for him... (ni meni, ni tobi, ni yomu...)
10.  heavenly watercolors (nebesni akvareli)
11.  in the artist's studio (u maysterni khudozhnyka)
12. Mp3perseids (persejidy)
13. Mp3waltz-tarantella (val‘s-tarantela)
14.  mystery of a woodwind pipe (tajemnytsja sopilky)
15. Mp3rain above Vilnius (doshch nad Vil‘njusom)
16.  angel of her dreams (janhol jiji sniv)
17.  Halyna, twenty years after (Halyna, dvadtsjat‘ rokiv po tomu)
  bonus track:
18.  birds over the rocks (ptakhy nad skeljamy)
 Total playing time: 69:48

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Domestic price: 311.64UAH
International price: $15.90USD
See also:

Olena Hrebenjuk. "Le Forze Del Destino" project. /digi-pack/

I do not know whether I will grow fond of opera, but I really like this disc. In this case, modernization, fortunately, does not mean vulgarization. The sound is so soft, mild, deep that it is impossible to come off it.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Shopping Hour. Amor. /digi-pack/.

This album is a phenomenon in the modern Ukrainian music. Here we have, first, interpretation of the European classics in the Latin American vein, which they definitely have not tried here so far. And, second – not only the music, but also the vocal manner has been reconsidered. Radically..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

Dmitry Krasnoukhov. Legend. seems that "Legend" is currently the best album by Dmytro Krasnoukhov. At least in what regards inner harmony, balance, confidence in pauses – this is a different degree of attention, clarity, skills. No hurry, fuss, the whole album is a natural flow...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Dmitry Krasnoukhov. Na krylakh khvyli. (On the Wave's Wings)

This time, Dmitry does not prefer any specific paint – he transparently combines sounding of the piano and electronic keys. Therefore, music of the album lives somewhere between neo-classicism and ambient – while light folklore motives pop up sometimes as well. On the whole, it seems to me, "On the Wave's Wings" is music of the peaceful world. The world where people can and are not afraid to love.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Dmitry Krasnoukhov. Fairy Peace. (Magic World)

Recently, Dmytro Krasnouhov has released two new discs at once – "Magic World" is one of them. And this is really a magic world of transparent simplicity, some almost childish ability to notice small secrets inside of every ordinary day – the ability to see bright adventures where hustling people see names only.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Pylyp Dovhan'. Suzir’ja Del'finiv. (Constellation of Dolphins)

Philip Dovgan is quite a young composer, now he is only 14. However, it did not prevent him from recording a full-value author disc. Moreover, the "Constellation of Dolphins" is not just a selection of compositions by Philip, this is an album, which has its concept and integral structure.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Dmitry Krasnoukhov. Birth of Angel.

...synthesized sounding performs the role of the background, adds colors, hint at the mood. No more. Here – all the same, piano melodies form the basis, and development of each piece, each theme takes place exactly following the logic of piano playing. Thus – it is pleasant to admit – these are again the melodies that are surprisingly soft, transparent, tender.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

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Troye Zillia. Paradise Birds. /digi-pack/.
songs of joy
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Anna Mia Quintet. Miasophy. /mini-pack/.
soft pauses
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
ILya Alabuzhev. Recovery. /digi-pack/.
Domestic: 311.64UAH
International: $15.90USD
Cherkasy Jazz Quintet. Latin Soul. /digi-pack/.
Cherkasy JQ. Latin Soul
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD