The space of music is unlimited, and one can find in it flows of any degree of complexity and beauty. But sources of transparency – they are not too frequent, and far not every wave does without bringing gray foam ashore, right? Dmytro Krasnoukhov seems to be lucky in this sense – when listening to his music, one imagines and feels the pure sources... Sure, when saying "lucky" – one does not mean blind chance, but the result of some inner work, of a certain stage of the road. For, if you listen to previous recordings by Dmytro – you understand: it is exactly about the path, beauty and joy. Well, and, moreover, it seems that "Legend" is currently the best album by Dmytro Krasnoukhov. At least in what regards inner harmony, balance, confidence in pauses – this is a different degree of attention, clarity, skills. No hurry, fuss, the whole album is a natural flow, convincing and beautiful in all of its transformations...
Publisher: Rostok Records Year: 2011
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Dmitry Krasnoukhov
Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD