During their last performance in Kyiv, "Braty Gadjukiny" said that the group will not create new records and, likely, it will never perform again. Now we see that it was only partly true. Yes, the disc that you see is not a new album of the group, on the one hand. But, on the other hand, it is still a new edition, to which the group all the same had to attach their efforts. They were not lazy – and they did it well, did not they? Not everyone and not always have the opportunity to purchase all albums of the group at once – at least because a half of them have already become a rarity, and nobody knows if they will ever be recorded anew. Besides, the mp3 format is now quite often more up-to-date than the ordinary audio. However, these are details. The main thing is that – we again have the opportunity to listen to the real and Ukrainian of a high quality. The intelligent and beautiful folk punk (sorry for this dumb combination of words, but what can I do?). "Braty Gadjukiny" in Ukrainian music is an unordinary phenomenon. I really hope that they will not keep their word and continue performing, and record such new pieces. Hey, Brothers, people are expecting for a miracle and holiday!
Format: mp3, 320 kbps
Disclamer: All software proposed AS IS. We do not guarantee that it will be working on your PC. We have tested every CD on our PC and it works fine.
Publisher: Mp3 records Catalogue number: mp3 00582 Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Braty Hadyukiny
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
In 2010, following the tradition now, "Yevshanzillya" (already for the fourth year in succession) has become the first rock collection in the New Year. And, again as usual, the main focus is not on pop-rock and heavy alternative – as it happens in the majority of rock collections – but on a wide range of every other rock music.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
...However, whatever the reasons might be – as a result there has appeared a really great opportunity to obtain on one disc the albums that at other circumstances would probably appear in mp3 collections far not soon. So – thank you.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
...we have another positive undertaking, namely – release in the mp3 format of the complete collection of all albums and singles by “VV”. Thus, there will be the opportunity to trace in detail the creative career of the group that is today for the Ukrainian rock stage a living legend of the premium size.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
...here we have something resembling hip-hop, wedding music, kolomyikas with their banter, chanson, punk – a very strange mix. But interesting. It tries to surprise – and, frankly speaking, it succeeds in it.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
, Lviv, Bandershtad
10-12-2006 23:16 |
znaete vpershe pozuv gadiv sze malenkym, i nastilky spodobalas yihnya muzyka szo dosi zahoplyuyus i peresluhovuyu naze vpershe! yakszo budete u Lvovi, shukayte mazdu, z vodiyem yakyy shozyy na bozevilnogo i v nyogo z vikon lunaye ne rep zy pop, a gady! pidhodte ne pomylytes ze budu ya!
, Черкаси, Україна
21-08-2006 08:47 |
Справді чекав на таке видання! Радію з того, що так оперативно отримав диск. Погано, що тексти не читаються на DVD, але то є марно. Згідний з попереднім дописувачем, що нічого нового, але його не може бути. Кузя інтерв"ю не дає, а з того, що не видали, то хлопці знали , що робили. Тому висновок: раніше б так!
, Київ, Україна
02-07-2006 11:55 |
У виданні тіко один "+", це можливість купити ліцензійне за 30 грн. "всі" альбоми у MP3 у кого з грошима не дуже. "-" формат MP3 "-" жодної раніше невиданої пісні
P.S> Особливої проблеми у Києві купити всі диски на CD за один день немає. Виступати вони може й будуть, а пісень нових не буде - ну не цікава їм (Кузі) така музика вже. Краще б випустили на CD "Всьо чотко!" але записаний у 1989 році. Чекаємо на DVD з концерту 20/01/2006