Out of all albums of Volodymyr Shynkaruk that have already appeared in our store before, "TumbleSky" differs, foremost, with music. At that, the arrangement is done very carefully, delicately, that is why it even somehow does not strike the eye too much that for the recording they involved two guitars, keys, flute, back vocal. The additional instruments do not interfere, do not take attention away. This seems to be that very bardic song, although in the sounding there is now more transparent, delicate sense, which is conveyed not with words, but exactly with music. But at the same time, the word has not become less significant. As it should be when the issue is intelligent, thought over, internally experienced texts, not just rhymed lines of certain meters. In general, poetry by Volodymyr Shynkaruk is something special, specific enough in the world of the modern Ukrainian song. A bit of sad irony, lots of exact observations and a lot of reflections – but not a hint at cynicism, pessimism. No, you would not call these songs, even if you would like to, merry – but there is in them no disappointment, no weakness. Only – the quiet light of understanding. Possibly, this is how wisdom starts?
Publisher: UKRmusic Catalogue number: UM-CD 189 Year: 2009
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Volodymyr Shynkaruk
Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD