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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: Belles-lettres

"Chorna Indija" "Molodoji Muzy". The Anthology of Prose and Essays. ("The "Black India" of "The Young Muse")

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"The Anthology "The "Black India" of "The Young Muse" for the first time in Ukraine represents the fullest legacy of prose and essays by Western Ukraine modernists-molodomuzivtsy – Pachovsky, Karmansky, Yatskiv, Lepky, Birchak, Shpytko, Tverdokhlib, Charnetsky, Lutsky, and Rudnytsky. Their stories and essays are presented in the versions of first publications. In order to capture the spirit and the atmosphere of the Western Ukraine modernism, the anthology includes "The Young Muse" manifesto, and the response of Ivan Franko to it, as well as the famous " Ukrainian Bohemia" by Petro Karmansky, and memories of him by Volodymyr Birchak.
The "Appendix" presents hard-to-access publications about the Western Ukrainian literary group, and the book is completed with two studies on the poetic world of "The Young Muse."
In Ukrainian
Type of the edition: hard cover, dust cover
Format: 146x270 mm
Number of pages: 352
Publisher: Piramida, Lviv

- Lesja Dems‘ka-Budzuljak. Istorija, shcho stala mifom – jevropeys‘kyy viter na l‘vivs‘kiy brukivtsi

"MOLODA MUZA": Manifest, ukrajins‘ka bohema:

- Redaktsija. Nashe slovo

- Ostap Luts‘kyy. "Moloda Muza"

- Ivan Franko. Manifest "Molodoji Muzy"

- Petro Karmans‘kyy. Ukrajins‘ka Bohema (Storinky vchorashn‘oho)

- Z nahody trydtsjatylittja "Molodoji Muzy":

Vasyl‘ Pachovs‘kyy. Petro Karmans‘kyy

Slovo vyjasnennja

I. "Ukrajins‘kyy Moysey"

II. Pershyy bohemist na halyts‘komu grunti

III. Vats‘o

IV. Pan profesor

V. Bod‘o

VI. Ljunatyk (Ostap Luts‘kyy)

VII. Vasyl‘ Pachovs‘kyy

VIII. Mykhaylo Jatskiv

IX. Volodymyr Birchak

X. Stepan Charnets‘kyy

XI. Sydir Tverdokhlib

XII. O.Oles‘

XIII. Osyp Turjans‘kyy

XIV. Mykhaylo Rudnyts‘kyy

XV. Sjas‘o Ljudkevych

XVI. Mykhaylo Parashchuk

XVII. I.Kosynin

XVIII. Mykhaylo Petryts‘kyy

XIX. o.Mykhaylo Sviten‘kyy

XX. U kavarni

XXI. My y vony

- Volodymyr Birchak. Petro Karmans‘kyy – istoryk "Molodoji Muzy"

"MOLODA MUZA": Proza, "Chorna Indija":

Mykhaylo Jatskiv:

- Dolja moloden‘koji Muzy

- I. Po dorozi

- II. Napast‘

- III. Zhab’jachyy pokhoron

- IV. Lisovyy dzvin

- Mal‘ovanyy strilets‘

- Khlop’ja

- Dytjacha hrud‘ u skryptsi

- Adagio consolante

- Arkhytvir

- Divchyna na chornim koni

Vasyl‘ Pachovs‘kyy:

- Miy krovavyy smikh

Bohdan Lepkyy:

- Son

- Kydaju slova

- Allegro patetico

- Lezhav pry vidchynenim vikni

Mykhaylo Rudnyts‘kyy. "OChI TA USTA":

- Prysvjata

- Ochi ta usta

- Persha zustrich

- Shepit rozkolykhanoji hilky

- Tin‘ druzhby

- Knyzhky

- Harmonija krovi

- Litni velykomis‘ki vechory

- Shovkovi nytky

- Spovid‘

- Sumnivy

- Promin‘ druzhby

- Nijakykh prysjah

- Rum’jantsi

- Na Sv. Mykoly pid podushku

- Strily

- Svjato

- Dalechin‘

- Bezimenne

- Rozstannja

- Bez sliv, zamist‘ sliv


- M.Rudnyts‘kyy. Shcho take "Moloda Muza"?

- Volodymyr Birchak. Na tretim poversi

- Petro Karmans‘kyy. Benket: Brazyliys‘kyy obrazok

- Bohdan Lepkyy. Filosof \\ Hostyna

- Vasyl‘ Pachovs‘kyy. Zhertva mystetstva

- Sydir Tverdokhlib. Neskinchenyy arkhitvir

- Stepan Charnets‘kyy. Miy pershyy avtors‘kyy honorar

- Osyp Shpytko. Vyrid

- Mykhaylo Jatskiv. Borot‘ba z holovoju


- Petro Karmans‘kyy. "Moloda Muza" y I.Franko

- Mykh.Rudnyts‘kyy. "Moloda Muza" (Z nahody svjata B.Lepkoho u L‘vovi)

- Volodymyr Birchak. Z doby "Molodoji Muzy"

- M.Rudnyts‘kyy. Olimp "Molodoji Muzy" – kavarnja

- Osyp Bodnarovych. "Taka literatura"

- M.Stepnjak. Poety "Molodoji Muzy"

- Agnjeshka Matusjak. Tvorchist‘ "Molodoji Muzy" jak literaturnyy Gesamtkunstwerk ukrajins‘koho modernizmu

- Prymitky


Publisher: Piramida
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789664413388
Year: 2014

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See also:

Zenon Tarnavsky. Doroha na Vysoky Zamok. (The Road to the High Castle)

Zenon Tarnavsky.. along with his inseparable friend, writer Bohdan Nyzhankivsky – created the fascinating myth about the Lviv of the 1930's and 1940's. The publication is based on Tarnavsky's book "The Road to the High Castle" and his works on the over-arching themes of Lviv, the theater, and the liberation struggle. The annex contains the writer's first publications.
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Mykhaylo Yatskiv. Chorni kryla. (Black Wings)

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Stepan Levynsky. Vid Vezuvia do piskiv Sakhary. Z yaponskoho domu. Skhid i Zakhid. (From Vesuvius to Sahara Sands. From the Japanese Home. East and West)

Writer and traveler Stepan Levynsky was known in Galicia as the author of talented travel essays about travels to the Middle and Far East. Levynsky's books, especially "East and West", are valuable contributions to the Ukrainian travel literature of the early twentieth century – interesting and distinctive publications permeated with lyricism and philosophy..
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Letilo 40 sorok... Literary Anecdotes. (40 Magpies Flew)

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Domestic price: 264.60UAH, International price: $18.90USD

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