"After unsuccessful attempts to find happiness in her native Italy and in England, young Italian Francesca leaves for the exotic Donetsk to learn Russian. The unfriendly city discourages the girl, who is ready to go back to Italy, but she meets Yuriy. He not only evokes Francesca's strong feelings, but also introduces her to the Ukrainian Donetsk, that the Italian did not even suspect existed. Unable to part with the boy, she finds herself in the midst of the struggle for the city during EuroMaidan. But her greatest struggle is to win Yuriy's feelings and their joint future, which keeps being overshadowed with new challenges and dangers.
The novel is based on actual events and written with the consent of Francesca Leonardi. On February 15, 2017 the protagonist would become 30 years old..."
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 130x200 mm
Number of pages: 432
Publisher: Knyhy-XXI, Chernivtsi
- Chastyna persha
- Chastyna druha
- Chastyna tretja
- Epiloh (lysty Franchesky real‘ni i buly napysani u veresni-hrudni 2014 roku)
- Pisljamova
- Pro Yurija Matuschaka i Franchesku Leonardi