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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: Belles-lettres

Yulia Smal. Yak ya bula botom. (How I Was A Bot)

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Yulia Smal. Yak ya bula botom. (How I Was A Bot)
"The author, who had to try being a bot, tells us about her experience and about how our Internet brushwood is arranged. She shares her thoughts about viral advertising and the nature of holy wars, online scams and the difference among bots, trolls, and haters, information hygiene and preservation of common sense in the face of the permanent information noise. And, finally, about how social parasites affect our realities."
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 130x200 mm
Number of pages: 152
Publisher: KOMORA, Kyiv

- Vstup:

Jak z'javylasja ideja, i shcho chytach mozhe diznatysja z tsijeji knyzhky

Rozdil 1:

Moji fb-frendy pro stavlennja do merezhevoji "chysti" y nechysti

Rozdil 2:

Chy pakhnut‘ hroshi? Moja dovha peredistorija do korotkoji istoriji

Rozdil 3:

Troli, boty y inshi – khto shcho robyt‘ i khto za shcho vidpovidaje v nashykh internet-khashchakh. Malen‘kyy slovnychok terminiv

Rozdil 4:

Feykove zhyttja typovoho bota. Mayzhe pechal‘na opovidka

Rozdil 5:

Nevdjachna robota rozvinchuvacha ljuds‘kykh mifiv i dumky pro pryrodu viry

Rozdil 6:

Sproba uzahal‘nyty

Rozdil 7:

Stereotypy y spryynjattja, virusna reklama y viral‘nyy kontent

Rozdil 8:

Shakhraji, shakhrayky ta jikhni zhertvy

Rozdil 9:


Rozdil 10:

Vytoky botofermerstva na postradjans‘kykh prostorakh. Istorija odnijeji rodyny

- Finita lja "kumedija":

Sproba prorokuvannja

Publisher: KOMORA
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786177286478
Year: 2019

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Yulia Smal

Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:

Natalya Humenyuk. Zahubleny ostriv. A book of reporting from the occupied Crimea. (The Lost Island)

These are true stories and tragedies of people whose lives changed dramatically after 2014, because since then some of Crimean residents have been living in occupation, while some – just in another country. So what are their hidden truths? People with different political and ideological affiliations speak – frankly..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Oleksandra Ivanyuk. Amor[t]e.

..young Italian Francesca leaves for the exotic Donetsk to learn Russian. The unfriendly city discourages the girl, who is ready to go back to Italy, but she meets Yuriy. He not only evokes Francesca's strong feelings, but also introduces her to the Ukrainian Donetsk, that the Italian did not even suspect existed – in the midst of the struggle for the city during EuroMaidan..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Viktoria Amelina. Syndrom lystopadu. (The November Syndrome)

Through of the unique ability of the protagonist to feel and experience other people's suffering, the author weaves the Ukrainian events of recent years into the context of the recent history of the world. And it is not so much about political parallels, but rather about that in today's globalized world there are no and cannot be any local conflicts.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Krym po-ukrajinsky. Funny and Sad Stories. (Crimea in the Ukrainian Way)

After reading this book, you will want to go to the Crimea. You'll feel light sadness or quiet rage – for the lost peninsula. There will also be the realization buzzing like an intrusive fly that there is no more that Crimea. That it is not that much a place but rather the time that will never return – unlike the Crimea as such...
Domestic price: 154.84UAH, International price: $7.90USD

Stepan Protsyuk. Pid krylamy velykoji Materi. The Mental Maidan. (Under the Wings of the Great Mother)

The new novel by Stepan Protsiuk is the consciousness of the era as a "surgical" cut. Exposing all of its guts. Eerie? Sure! But this is the only way one can understand why he/she is like that... Why an invisible "mamay" sits on one shoulder, and a "vatnik" – on the other?
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Kyrylo Halushko. Maydanny semestr. (Maydan Semester)

Is it difficult to be a middle-age male lecturer at "female departments"? Won't you be a victim of your audience's sexual aggression? And what if a true revolt starts in you native city all of a sudden? What will happen to your love, your ordinary life, you, your Country, and your City?
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Tirza Atar. Vid viyny plachut. (They Cry Because of War)

These poems were composed by Israeli poet Tirza Atar. She composed them long ago, in the mid 70s. Sure, not about our reality – but about theirs, for the war has long been grown into normal lives of people there. And it is creepy that these poems – written on behalf of a seven year-old Jewish girl – are so much in unison with our reality..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Bohdan Zholdak. UKRY. (The UKRs)

"The UKRs" is continuous "action" based on actual events of the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war, where modern Ukrainians, like characters of "Aeneid", desperately play jokes with death while defending their land and their honor.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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Tetiana Shkolna. Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/. (The Right Time)
Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette
Domestic: 194.04UAH
International: $9.90USD
Tamara Martseniuk. "Zakhysnyky halaktyky": vlada i kryza v cholovichomu sviti. ("Defenders of the Galaxy": the power and crisis in the male world)
the power and crisis in the male world
Domestic: 409.64UAH
International: $20.90USD
Karel Capek. R.U.R. Rossumovi universalni roboty. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
Karel Capek. R.U.R.
Domestic: 292.04UAH
International: $14.90USD
Yuriy Shevelyov, Leonid Plyusch. Lystuvannya: 1979-1995. (Correspondence: 1979-1995)
Plyusch, Shevelyov. Correspondence: 1979-1995
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD