"Such Interesting Life" by Iryna Tsilyk is really interesting and rich. When reading this book, you will find out that a raven is a very intelligent bird, that the theater begins with a cloakroom, and that the driver of Kyiv funicular has made friends with squirrels. And why one mustn't eat snow, who in museums monitors the situation so that visitors did not throw candy wrappers or stole paintings, how stars fall down in summer, who Bob Marley is, and why cats are smart, even though sometimes you would not say that. Besides, there are on the pages of "Such Interesting Life" a lot of funny pictures by artist
Khrystyna Lukaschuk, and they play the game of "replace me" with words. In short, one could go on and on reading this book and looking it through:)"
You can look through some of the artwork
In Ukrainian.
Illustrations: Khrystyna Lukaschuk
Edition type: hard cover
Format: 130x200 mm
Number of pages: 48, illustrated
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv
- Mene zvaty
- Moja rodyna
- Moji naykrashchi druzi
- Moje uljublene svjato
- Moji uljubleni zviri ta ptakhy
- Moji uljubleni knyzhky
- Moja uljublena jizha
- Moji uljubleni mul‘tyky
- Moji uljubleni ihrashky
- Moja uljublena pisnja
- Ja vmiju
- Ja znaju
- Ja zaymajusja
- Ja ne ljublju
- Ja ljublju