"Christmas is time of wonders and light, the time of long-awaited presents and the sweet delicacies from the charming van shop of the kind and mysterious aunt Malva. But what if all of this suddenly disappears? For the mean Mr. Raven and his mistress Mist are about to start ruling the world!.. Little Tyshko and his faithful dog Kuchuhurka face a difficult task: to bring a magic book back to the old storyteller, to save Christmas, and to fill with laughter and joy every house in their native town."
In Ukrainian.
Illustrations: Rostyslav Popsky
Edition type: hard cover
Format: 206x240 mm
Number of pages: 56, illustrated
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv
- Tyshko
- Kuchuhura
- Na Krucheniy vulytsi
- Zustrich iz panom Krukom
- Sertse
- Furhonchyk titon‘ky Mal‘vy
- Knyhu zakladeno
- Ekzamen
- Robota v kramnychtsi
- V "Zakladushtsi"
- Honytva
- Do boju!