Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: for Children

Stephen Hawking, Lucy Hawking. George i skarby kosmosu. (George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt)

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Stephen Hawking, Lucy Hawking. George i skarby kosmosu. (George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt)
"Why is Earth so special that it was here that life began? Will we ever be lucky enough to meet aliens? What stellar systems are called triple ones? The restless and inquisitive kids look for answers to these and lots of other questions while traveling in space via the miracle of the computer. They quarrel and make peace, feel happy and upset, get immensely scared and manifest uncommon courage. But only in order to rescue the home planet Earth from a terrible and mysterious danger. So, go open this fascinating book and see if they succeed!"
Translated from English by Hanna Leliv
In Ukrainian.
Illustrations: Garry Parsons
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 146x200 mm
Number of pages: 344, illustrated
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv

Publisher: Staryi Lev
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176792918
Year: 2016

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Lucy Hawking
Stephen Hawking

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