"An extremely good book, it has been long since when I received such pleasure! Transparent and, yet, profound presentation, the child-wise perspective of commonplace phenomena, unusual combinations of ordinary situations, absolute understanding of child psychology, and above all – the incredible ease that it seems impossible to surpass. And no unnecessary words, moreover, each of them stands out with its colors and shades." Volodymyr Rutkivsky
You can look through some of the artwork here: http://umka.com/eng/news/
In Ukrainian.
Illustrations: Zhenya Myronyuk
Edition type: hard cover
Format: 240x210 mm
Number of pages: 36, illustrated
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv
1. Synja Kytsja
2. Bila Kytsja
3. Smuhastyy
4. Zelena Kytsja
5. Chorna Kytsja