"We are accustomed to the fact that morality is inherent in humankind only. But what if that's wrong? What if it is among animals that we need to look for the roots of human morality? After all, it turns out that chimpanzees, bonobos, dogs, elephants, and even reptiles are capable of compassion and other manifestations of morality. Along with the fascinating narrative and interesting stories, the book's author addresses deep philosophical questions related to science and religion, and their eternal confrontation."
Translated from English by Roman Klochko
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 144x214 mm
Number of pages: 272
Publisher: Bookclub, Kharkiv
Rozdil 1. Sad zemnykh nasolod
Rozdil 2. Tlumachennja dobroty
Rozdil 3. Bonobo na rodynnomu derevi
Rozdil 4. Boh pomer chy prosto vpav u komu?
Rozdil 5. Prytcha pro dobru mavpu
Rozdil 6. Desjaty zapovidey zabahato
Rozdil 7. Porozhnecha zamist‘ Boha
Rozdil 8. Vyskhidna moral‘
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