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Oleksandr Avramenko. 100 ekspres-urokiv ukrainskoi. Part 2. (100 Express Lessons of the Ukrainian)

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Oleksandr Avramenko. 100 ekspres-urokiv ukrainskoi. Part 2. (100 Express Lessons of the Ukrainian)
"This pocket book, which is continuation of the already known guide, "100 Express Lessons of the Ukrainian", contains one hundred linguistic stories, questions, and illustrations that in an accessible form teach standards of the modern Ukrainian language."
For a wide range of readers. The book is in the convenient "pocket" format.
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: soft cover
Format: 102x152 mm
Number of pages: 192, illustrated
Publisher: #knyholav, Kyiv


- Vid avtora

1. Vitaju z (D,d)nem nardzhennja! 2. Suknja vid kutjur chy ot-kutjur? 3. Kholostjak chy parubok?

4. Vidpovid‘ virna chy pravyl‘na? 5. U chorta na kulychkakh... De tse? 6. Dniprovtsi chy dniprjany?

7. Jak nazvaty meshkantsiv Horishnikh Plavniv? 8. U misti Kharkiv chy v misti Kharkovi? 9. FakhovYy chy fAkhovyy?

10. Vona – baleryna, a vin – balerun? 11. Ne mozhna neljuba ljubyty 12. Vulytsja Ivana FrankO chy Ivana FrankA?

13. Harnyy – khoroshyy 14. Shcho oznachaje slovo "zatsipylo"? 15. Bachyly ochi, shcho kupuvaly

16. Shcho take zvytjaha? 17. Zachekay paru khvylyn chy kil‘ka khvylyn? 18. Pitsa chy pitstsa?

19. Chepurnyy – tse krasyvyy chy okhaynyy? 20. Nezhyti chy nezhytju? 21. Vynjatok chy vyYnjatok?

22. Dnipro (misto) – vin chy vono? 23. Dorohyy Olezhe chy Olehu? 24. Ne pishly, a khodimo!

25. Devychnyk, mal‘chyshnyk... jaki ukrajins‘ki vidpovidnyky? 26. Zradzhuvaty tovaryshU chy tovaryshA? 27. Anna chy Hanna?

28. Shcho take pantofli y zakabluky? 29. Hol‘ na vydumky khytra... A jak ukrajins‘koju? 30. Vin – medsestra?

31. Na dorohakh probka, korok chy zator? 32. Chijat-vechir chy Svjatvechir? 33. Bilet chy kvytok?

34. Javljajet‘sja chort uvi sni! 35. Ja znakhodzhusja chy perebuvaju v Chernihovi? 36. Dzhokondda usmikhajet‘sja chy posmikhajet‘sja?

37. Usmishka Mony Lizy tajemna chy tajemnycha? 38. Khto y koly prydumav slovo "mrija"? 39. Zasmahajut‘ pid vidkrytym nebom? Ni!

40. Okhoronets‘ chy okhoronnyk? 41. Projiznyy chy projizDnyy kvytok? 42. Da chy tak?

43. Chekaty vas chy na vas? 44. Turtsija chy Turechchyna? 45. Kontrol‘nyy test

46. Nikoly nichoho ne "zalyshayte v spokoji" 47. Politseys‘kyy chy politsijant? 48. Nebizh – nebizhchyk

49. Khto takyy shvets‘? 50. Spasybi – djakuju 51. Maljunok – rysunok

52. Behushchaja stroka... a jak ukrajins‘koju? 53. Pryvodyty chy pryZvodyty? 54. Chyslo – tsyfra

55. Pro surzhykovyy pidodijal‘nyk 56. Pivtora misjatsi chy misjatsja? 57. Piv jabluka, piv-jabluka chy piv'jabluka?

58. Kolorytni ukrajins‘ki slova 59. Zal chy zala? 60. Poni – vin, vona chy vono?

61. Shcho – jakyy – kotryy 62. Khto takyy stel‘makh? 63. Jak vymovljaty abreviaturu ZNO?

64. Khto takyy bondar? 65. Khaker chy haker? 66. Udacha – vdacha?

67. Shcho oznachajut‘ slova "narazi" y na "chasi"? 68. Khto prydumav slovo "promin‘"? 69. Khto takyy brovar?

70. Sshyty chy zshyty? 71. S‘ome ljute chy s‘ome ljutoho? 72. Spochatku im'ja chy prizvyshche?

73. Kozel otpushchenyja... jak skazaty ukrajins‘koju? 74. Hroshi ne pakhnut‘ 75. Tvoroh chy syr?

76. Adres i adresa 77. Tsyharky kurjat‘ chy paljat‘? 78. Chy ukrajins‘ke slovo "odnofamilets‘"?

79. Jakymy slovamy pryvertajut‘ uvahu? 80. Likars‘kyy – likArs‘kyy 81. Maju chy mushu pratsjuvaty?

82. Bihbord chy bilbord? 83. Ujikhaty chy pojikhaty? 84. Shcho oznachaje "na ruku kovin‘ka"?

85. Brytysja – holytysja 86. Shcho take hay i dibrova? 87. Chy mozhe buty kvytok doroslym?

88. Odjahaty – nadivaty 89. Ta sama chy odna y ta sama ljudyna? 90. Khto takyy lymar?

91. Shcho take dunay? 92. Chomu sim p'jatnyts‘ na tyzhden‘, a ne vivtorkiv? 93. Shcho take zhyzhky?

94. Razreshyte predstavyt‘sja... a jak ukrajins‘koju?

95. Late chy latE? 96. Khto takyy mazur? 97. Khto takyy kushnir?

98. FenOmen chy fenomEn? 99. Jabluchnyy – jablunevyy 100. Knyha – knyzhka

Publisher: #knyholove
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786177563036
Year: 2017

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Oleksandr Avramenko

Domestic price: 194.04UAH
International price: $9.90USD
See also:

Oleksandr Avramenko. Oksana Tyschenko. Ukrainska mova. Spelling in tables, test assignments. (Ukrainian language)

The manual contains information on spelling and punctuation presented in the form of tables; multi-level reproductive and creative exercises; test assignments; keys to the tests are attached at the end of the book. The publication is intended to increase the level of spelling literacy, as well as for quality training of students.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Nadiya Babych. Kultura fakhovoho movlennya. A manual. (The Culture of the Professional Speech)

The manual contains examples of modern common and specialized documents describing the requirements for their execution; it highlights the common linguistic issues: complicated cases of usage and inflection of words, the ethics and aesthetics in language, information on the history of language, the concept of functional styles, and more.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

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