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Peter Wohlleben. Taemne zhyttya derev. (The Secret Life of Trees)

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Peter Wohlleben. Taemne zhyttya derev. (The Secret Life of Trees)
"Scientific knowledge in plain language. German forester Peter Wohlleben insists: trees can speak. Besides, they are able to feel pain, they have memory, and know which of their relatives need help. They communicate with each other and interact with the environment at a particular level; they are able to transmit information and share energy. Peter argues that trees can and know how to be happy, and under such conditions the forest is much more productive. The author invites you for a wonderful journey that will reveal to you some stunning mysteries of nature that we are accustomed not to notice. One just needs to listen..."
Translated from German by Yulia Mykytyuk
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 130x200 mm
Number of pages: 224
Publisher: Bookclub, Kharkiv


- Peredmova

- Druzhba

- Mova derev

- Viddil sotsial‘noho zabezpechennja

- Ljubov

- Lisova lotereja

- Povil‘no, til‘ky povil‘no

- Pravyla lisovoho etyketu

- Lisova shkola

- Razom – krashche

- Zahadkove transportuvannja vody

- Dereva ne bojat‘sja starosti

- Dub – slabak?

- Spetsialisty

- Derevo chy ne derevo?

- U tsarstvi temrjavy

- CO2-porokhotjah

- Derev'janyy kondytsioner

- Lis jak vodjana pompa

- Miy chy tviy?

- Sotsial‘ne budivnytstvo kvartyr

- Korabli – nosvji bioriznomanittja

- Zymovyy son

- Vidchuttja chasu

- Sprava kharakteru

- Khvore derevo

- Khay bude svitlo

- Bezprytul‘ni dity

- Vyhorannja

- Upered na pivnich!

- Stiyki ta vytryvali

- Tryvozhni chasy

- Immihranty

- Zdorove lisove povitrja?

- Chomu lis zelenyy?

- Utrachenyy iz pryrodnoho lantsjuha

- Bioroboty?

- Podjaka

- Prymitky

Publisher: BookClub
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786171233591
Year: 2017

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