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Roman Malenkov. Svitova spadschyna UNESCO v Ukrajini: putivnyk. (UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ukraine: the guidebook)

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Roman Malenkov. Svitova spadschyna UNESCO v Ukrajini: putivnyk. (UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ukraine: the guidebook)
"There are many attractive and interesting tourist attractions in Ukraine. But which ones are worth seeing first? According to a number of clear criteria, UNESCO has identified 7 main natural and cultural sites of Ukraine and included them in the World Heritage List. In addition, there is a list of candidates for inclusion in the World Heritage List, which is called the Preliminary List of UNESCO – in Ukraine there are 17 such sites.
The guidebook by Roman Malenkov, traveler and founder of the local history site "Ukraine Incognita", will tell about all of them."
In Ukrainian.
Illustrations: Malenkov, Scherbiy, Hontar
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 130x200 mm
Number of pages: 240, illustrated

Publisher: KOMORA, Kyiv

- Vstup

1. Kyiv. Sofiysky sobor ta Kyevo-Pecherska lavra

2. Lviv. Istorychnyy tsentr

3. Chernivtsi. Rezydentsia mytropolytiv Bukovyny ta Dalmatsiji

4. Derevjani tserkvy Karpatskoho rehionu

5. Duha Struve

6. Pralisy Karpat

7. Khersones Tavriysky

8. Poperedniy spysok UNESCO

Publisher: KOMORA
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786177286775
Year: 2021

Domestic price: 432.60UAH
International price: $30.90USD
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