"The author of the book, a famous scholar and translator, seeks to present a complete history of the Ukrainian literary translation in the timeframe from Kyiv Rus and up to now. Thus, he is interested in not only linguistic and stylistic elaborations of Ukrainian translators. The focus of his attention is the place occupied by literary translation in creation of the modern Ukrainian culture, the national identity in general. What prompted Ukrainian writers of the 19
th century to undertake translation, when there was virtually no audience for these translations? What conditioned the choice of certain texts to be translated? How did the Ukrainian society perceive the translations? Why, finally, did the Ukrainian translation become an object of particularly brutal tsarist persecution, and later – persecution by the communist regime? The author tries to offer a reasoned answer to these questions. At the same time, the book is a small anthology of texts illustrating historical development of the Ukrainian translation (above all – the poetic one). All of this together makes it interesting not only for professional linguists and historians, but also for a wide range of readers."
Research and popular publication.
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 142x198 mm
Number of pages: 344
Publisher: Fact, Kyiv
- Vstup: do postanovky pytannja
1. Trokhy pro peredistoriju
2. Pereklad XIX stolittja: vid travestiji do "meynstrimu"
3. Na mezhi epokh
4. Perekladachi y pereklady "rozstriljanoho vidrodzhennja"
5. Ukrajins‘kyy radjans‘kyy / antyradjans‘kyy pereklad
6. Zamist‘ epilohu: natsijetvorchu funktsiju perekladu vycherpano?
- Pokazhchyk imen
- Pro avtora