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Yaroslav Polischuk. Hibrydna topohrafia. Places and Non-Places In Modern UkrLit. (Hybrid Topography)

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Yaroslav Polischuk. Hibrydna topohrafia. Places and Non-Places In Modern UkrLit. (Hybrid Topography)
"This book deals with imaginary geography, symbolic cognition of space by means of culture – based on the example of analysis of works by Sofia Andrukhovych and Yuriy Andrukhovych, Serhiy Zhadan, Volodymyr Lys, Volodymyr Rafeenko, Vasyl Shklyar, and others. The literary topography of the terrain is presented in three projections: memorial location images; the war in its hybrid aspect; the phenomenon of hollow, sworn locations without qualities – or "non-places", as named by Mark Auger."
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 130x200 mm
Number of pages: 272
Publisher: Knyhy-XXI, Chernivtsi


- Peredmova

Rozdil 1. MISTsJa PAM'JaTI


- Rozpad radjans‘koji identychnosti

- Kody prysutnosti y vidsutnosti

- Literatura

EPOS PROVINTsIJi (trylohija pro Zahorjany Volodymyra Lysa):

- Domashniy prostir

- Sto rokiv na svojiy zemli

- Ljubov i mistyka sil‘s‘koho kutka

- Literatura

MAHIChNA SYLA DOMU (roman "Feliks Avstrija" Sofiji Andrukhovych):

- "Avstronostal‘hija"

- Syritstvo y vidchuttja domu

- Stosunky

- Literatura

HALYTs‘KYY SPADOK ("Kornelija" y "Vynova hora" Nadiji Morykvas):

- Nisha pam'jati

- Take mistse

- Literatura

Rozdil 2. ZONA VIYNY


- Rakhunky hibrydnoho konfliktu

- Vid utopiji do real‘nosti

- Vaha slova

- Emotsiji i detali viyny

- Literatura

"NE VSI MERTVI POKhOVANI" ("Troshcha" Vasylja Shkljara):

- Mizh herojizmom i zhertovnistju

- Zrada i proshchennja

- Literatura

PEREKhID ChEREZ DOLYNU SMERTI ("Internat" Serhija Zhadana):

- Iljuziji

- Kray misjachnykh peyzazhiv

- Internat

- Literatura

Rozdil 3. NE-MISTsJa


- Try metafory

- Zona rozpadu ("Amor[t]e" Oleksandry Ivanyuk)

- Metonimiji

- Vidchuzhennja y "ne-mistsja"  ("Mala knyzhka proschan‘" Volodymyra Rafejenka ta "Kazky moho bomboskhovyscha" Oleksija Chupy)

- Literatura

SMAK VIDChUZhENNJa ("Dovhi chasy" Volodymyra Rafejenka):

- Khymeriji "P'jatoho Rymu"

- Vid Z do Ukrajiny

- Literatura

ANATOMIJa ZLA ("Kokhantsi Justytsiji" Jurija Andrukhovycha):

- Hra v slidstvo

- Vid fantomiv do Fantomasa

- Literatura

Publisher: Knyhy-XXI
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176142089
Year: 2018

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Yaroslav Polischuk

Domestic price: 264.60UAH
International price: $18.90USD
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