Academic Choir of the National radio of Ukraine named after P. Maiboroda. Conducted by Yulia Tkach. | | Track Reviews (2) |
I suggest that you start where I started: looking through names of the authors whose works are recorded here. Berezovsky, Stetsenko, Leontovych – even this would be enough to inspire due curiosity and the desire to listen to it. But, honestly speaking, I was very nicely surprised having seen here the name of Igor Shamo as well. And these are not variety songs that brought him wide popularity both in Ukraine and beyond its borders, but – fragments from his folk opera "Yatranski Games". Probably, lots of people know that Igor Shamo was a very diversified composer – but hardly many of them have heard his large genre pieces. At all events, nothing of that kind has been released on discs in Ukraine. Meanwhile, Shamo's achievements include, apart from the several hundreds of songs and music for cinema – 3 symphonies, chamber pieces, cantatas, the piano cycle for Shevchenko's poetry.. Well, and, sure, the folk opera "Yatranski Games", fragments of which you will hear here – beautiful music indeed. However, these words should be addressed to literally each of the works represented on the disc – because in each of them there is inner light, and force, and some joyful, festive triumph. You listen – and you want it to be continued. And that means that the work has appeared great indeed. Pay attention: in the booklet to the disc represented, you will find information (in Ukrainian and English) both about the Academic Choir of the National Radio of Ukraine named after P. Maiboroda, and, actually, about Yulia Tkach, who from 2003 has been the choir-master of this collective.
Publisher: National Radio Company of Ukraine
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- Academic Choir of the National radio of Ukraine named after P. Maiboroda
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
...our visitors have already had the opportunity to hear the clarinet of Vyacheslav Kazykin in composition of the Inter-quartet "Clarinetissimo!", in the album "Bachiazzola" – there music composed by him even sounds. However, this time – exclusively classics. Diverse – here you will find both deep pieces and entertaining ones.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH 315.76UAH
International price: $17.90USD $16.11USD
All three composers – Grieg, Sibelius and Mendelssohn were wonderful at orchestration and that is why they often adapted their choral and chamber music for orchestra. This debut album from the "Kyiv Soloists Play" series is in a way a true anthology of orchestra transcription.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Why "Salt Symphony"? Because this record was made in spring 2006, during the already third festival of classic music, which takes place in a Donbas town of Soledar. Actually, the concerts took place not in the town, but in a salt cave, where they used to extract rock-salt.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Even the very name of a composer, I think, should not influence attitude to music. The thing is not the authority, but in beauty – either you feel it, or play another disk. However, I have the suspicion that, having heard performance by the "Rozumovsky" quartet, you will not want to change the disk that soon.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
If you respect classical music, this disc is another opportunity for you to listen again to favourite musical compositions, which belong even not to the national, but to the world cultural treasury.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
, Львів, Україна
19-07-2009 21:44 |
Дякую артистам академічного хору ім. П. Майбороди та диригенту Юлії Ткач за прекрасний музичний дарунок! Це свіжий ковток повітря у хоровій музиці! Професійно, ансамблево, прекрасне відчуття фрази, стилю! Обов язково придбаю диск для ілюстрації зразкового хорового співу для своїх студентів (надіюся. що він у продажу вже є). Бажаю творчої наснаги, нових проектів та підтримки адміністрації, спонсорів та просто добрих людей! З повагою - Оксана Мельничук
, Вишневе, Україна
20-06-2009 18:41 |
Хоча я та мій чоловік,самі учасники у виконанні та запису ціх творів,прослухавши диск записаний Юлею Ткач, відчули гордість за зроблену роботу. Оцінивши запис об"єктивно, зробили висновки: звучить дуже пристойно, красиво, це треба вивозити у світ і взагалі, при невеликому елементарно людському стимулі, гарному відношенні та маленькій корекції складу хору - можемо "звернути гори"! Ми та Юля молодці. Юля, виходь на роботу!