Folklore group "Rodyna". Hej, Rozhestvo! Schedryj vechor! (Hey, Christmas! Christmas Eve!) | | Track Reviews (1) |
All participants of the "Rodyna" ensemble come from different villages of Volhyn and Polisya. So, it is quite natural that the repertoire of the group is based on materials collected by expeditions in various regions of Volhyn. Thus, you have an opportunity to hear Volhyn winter ceremonial songs – and they are performed virtually without additional arrangement. However, this disk will be also interesting for just everyone who wants to listen to Ukrainian Christmas songs. Christmas is such holiday that requires cleanliness and internal joy. Not that it requires, but otherwise it just becomes impossible, turns into a farce. Well, and to create the corresponding celebratory atmosphere, there is nothing better than special songs. Those that are already hundreds of years old. One can, sure, also throw into the common pot jazz, and disco, and everything in general, everything. But without these oldest songs, it seems to me, the holiday will not really be real. Maybe, there won’t be a lot of them – but let them necessarily sound on the days of holiday and joy. You will feel then how everything around becomes transparent, as the holiday starts nowhere but in your heart. And then Christmas actually happens.
Publisher: Tempora Year: 2005
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Folklore group "Rodyna"
Domestic price: 546.84UAH
International price: $27.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
 | Oj, rodyno, rodyno (vinshuval'na)
2. |
| Prosym tebe (koljadka) |
3. |
 | Vstavaj, vstavaj hospodarju (koljadka)
4. |
| Raj rozvyvsja (koljadka) |
5. |
 | Svjataja Varvara (koljadka)
6. |
| A v tij hatci (schedrivka) |
7. |
| Schedryk-bedryk (schedrivka) |
8. |
| Radujtesja vsi ljudije (koljadka) |
9. |
 | Oj, u poli, poli (koljadka)
10. |
| U stajenci (schedrivka) |
11. |
 | Hej, Rozhestvo (koljadka)
12. |
| U nedilju duzhe rano (koljadka) |
13. |
| Schedryj vechor, dobryj vechor |
14. |
| Cherez pole Ukrajiny (koljadka) |
15. |
| Rody Bozhe (schedrivka) |
16. |
| Hen vysoko (koljadka) |
17. |
| A vchora z vechora (koljadka) |
18. |
| Svjat', vechir, svjat' (schedrivka) |
19. |
| Oj, na richci na Jordani (jordans'ka) |
20. |
| Oj v sadu, sadu u vynohradu (koljadka) |
21. |
| Schob shodylo zhyto rjasno (vinshuval'na) |
22. |
| Raj rozvyvsja (koljadka) |
| Total playing time: 43:36 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 546.84UAH
International price: $27.90USD
See also:
This is a collection of Christmas songs – and one tends to expect that this kind of albums are unwrapped in an unhurried way, have a kind of enlightened, relaxed moods, or even the "pink syrup". Here – the musicians did it differently. From the first seconds, the percussion unequivocally hints: that will be music with a joyful drive, and so it proves later...
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"Ladovytsi" have a very respectful attitude to preservation of the tradition – thus, we are talking about reproduction of the authentic performance. However, you don't need to think about that – just listen, because the songs are really good. They somehow imperceptibly dissolve the exhaustion and habit of the routine – and fill with the hope for joy.
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It has turned out to be that even now real finders are able to find something interesting, true, variegated – and unknown.
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International price: $21.90USD
, Славутич, Украина
04-03-2008 10:03 |
Здравствуйте, Людмила.
Диски с народными обрядовыми песнями у нас есть - обратите внимание, например, на фольклорный гурт "Веснянка" в частности - и, в целом, на подраздел "Аутентичное исполнение" в разделе Народной музыки.
Надеюсь, найдете, чему порадоваться)
Приобрела у Вас диск фольклорно-этнографического ансамбля "Родина". Понравилось. Репертуар интересный, не избитый. Очень удачно вставлена разговорная речь. Пожелания составителям дисков: когда-то на нашу эстраду и экраны телевизоров стремительно внеслись рок и поп-музыка, сметая на своём пути всё наше отечественное, родное, народное. К счастью сейчас их время проходит, люди хотят слышать песни, которые были бы понятны и душу согревали. Я - руководитель ансамбля, который так и называется "Пой, душа". Нас всё чаще приглашают на корпоративные вечеринки, юбилеи, свадьбы, где хотят слышать народные, обрядовые и величальные песни. Песни такого направления есть в репертуаре Кубанского казачьего хора, наверняка они есть и у ансамбля "Родина", у хора Г.Верёвки, у других фольклорных ансамблей. Я бы с удовольствием приобрела у Вас диск с таким репертуаром.