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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
Artists :   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
Albums:   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
Catalogue -> Gift Ideas -> Christmas

Koljadky ta schedrivky Rivnens'koho Polissja.

Reviews (3)
Koljadky ta schedrivky Rivnens'koho Polissja.
As far as you can see, glorious songs of wintertime – coral songs and shchedrivkas – are presented at this disc. At that, here you may hear not only religious carols, which glorify the birth of Christ or the Blessed Virgin. There are carols, which glorify a rural family, its members, their life and work, their beauty and character. The disc contains two dozens of tracks, but still notwithstanding one general topic, the material is various. It is also important that here you will hear an authentic performance recorded in field environment. Besides, these recordings are not old, on the contrary, they are quite new – they were made during the expeditions of 1998 – 2005. It has turned out to be that even now real finders are able to find something interesting, true, variegated – and unknown.

Publisher: Atlantic
Year: 2006

Domestic price: 429.24UAH
International price: $21.90USD
1.  Schedryky-bedryky nesy babo varenyky (schedrivka)
2.  Oj tam pid horeju cerkovka stojit' (koljadka)
3.  Hodila pava kjelje poplava (koljadka)
4.  A vchora zvechora (koljadka)
5.  Oj tam na hori (koljadka)
6.  U pana Jana svicha horila (koljadka)
7.  Oj v poli v poli hrushka stojala (koljadka) (schedrivka)
8.  Za krynyceju za temnyceju (koljadka) (schedrivka)
9.  Oj nad rjekoju nad hlybokoju (koljadka)
10.  Oj cherez pole da j shyrokeje (koljadka)
11.  Oj po-pud liskom (koljadka)
12.  Chy vdoma-vdoma vashaja dochka (koljadka)
13.  Oj schodruha schodrovala (schedrivka)
14.  Oj schedryj vechor da j dobryj vechor (schedrivka)
15.  Hylja-hylja na Vasylja (schedrivka)
16.  Schedryky-vedryky (schedrivka)
17.  Vasyl'ova maty (schedrivka)
18.  Bychky rohati (schedrivka)
19.  Maty kazala schob daly sala (schedrivka)
20.  Na prypechku rozha (schedrivka)
21.  Za lisom-lisom (schedrivka)
 Total playing time: 34:44
Domestic price: 429.24UAH
International price: $21.90USD
See also:

Troye Zillia. Paradise Birds. /digi-pack/.

This is a collection of Christmas songs – and one tends to expect that this kind of albums are unwrapped in an unhurried way, have a kind of enlightened, relaxed moods, or even the "pink syrup". Here – the musicians did it differently. From the first seconds, the percussion unequivocally hints: that will be music with a joyful drive, and so it proves later...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Ladovytsi. A Bozhaya Maty po svitu khodyla. /digi-pack/. (Oh Mother of God walked along the world)

"Ladovytsi" have a very respectful attitude to preservation of the tradition – thus, we are talking about reproduction of the authentic performance. However, you don't need to think about that – just listen, because the songs are really good. They somehow imperceptibly dissolve the exhaustion and habit of the routine – and fill with the hope for joy.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

Folklore group "Rodyna". Hej, Rozhestvo! Schedryj vechor! (Hey, Christmas! Christmas Eve!)

Christmas is such holiday that requires cleanliness and internal joy. Not that it requires, but otherwise it just becomes impossible, turns into a farce. Well, and to create the corresponding celebratory atmosphere, there is nothing better than special songs. Those that are already hundreds of years old.
Domestic price: 546.84UAH, International price: $27.90USD

Postop'janka z Podljashsha. Ukrainian ethnic music.

Pidlyashshya is a south-western region of Ukraine situated at the border, so naturally its culture is influenced by close neighbours – Belarus and Poland. In those parts along with usual songs you may also hear spiritual songs, Russian romances and songs, which once used to be Polish, but now have already become Ukrainian.
Domestic price: 644.84UAH, International price: $32.90USD

Reviews (3)

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Borys Hmyrya, NAOFI. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/.
Hmyrya, NAOFI. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette
Domestic: 213.64UAH
International: $10.90USD
Natalia Trushkina. Plastylinovi dyva. (Plasticine Miracles)
Plasticine Miracles
Domestic: 311.64UAH
International: $15.90USD
Solomia Chubay. POETY. /polygraphy in English, premium, CD+book/.
Chubay. POETY (CD+book in Eng)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
Plach Yeremiji. Dobre. /cassette/. (Good)
Plach Yeremii. Dobre. /cassette/
Domestic: 448.84UAH
International: $22.90USD