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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
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Catalogue -> Folk -> "Ukrainian Ethnic Music" series

Postop'janka z Podljashsha. Ukrainian ethnic music.

Reviews (1)
Postop'janka z Podljashsha. Ukrainian ethnic music.

There is some general impression of this entire story. A simple impression. Thank God, there still exist people on the earth who in contrast to most of us not only listen to songs. These are the people who sing. These are the people who make recordings.

Pidlyashshya is a south-western region of Ukraine situated at the border, so naturally its culture is influenced by close neighbours – Belarus and Poland. In those parts along with usual songs you may also hear spiritual songs, Russian romances and songs, which once used to be Polish, but now have already become Ukrainian. Besides, at this disc you will hear no musical instruments, only voices. Moreoften, these songs are performed by women who are no longer young. In this connection two ideas comes to my mind. The first idea is that step by step our culture and our traditions disappear, and they disappear together with these people. The second idea is that this is not a usual singing. These are the voices of our mothers – not in terms of physiology, but in general, because only a real mother can sing with such tenderness, kindness and with such unconquerable patience in her voice. And as long as she is a real mother, then she is a mother not only for those to whom she has given life, but also for everybody. In general, for everybody who lives. So, such voices are recorded at this disc.

Anton Yozhyk Leyba (Hedgehog)

"Ukrainian Ethnic Music" series came out of many ethnographical expeditions to different region of Ukraine. Compact discs have stylish design. In the colourful booklets you will find information about the places where recordings were made, stories about performers, lyrics of the songs etc. Information is given in Ukrainian and English.

Publisher: Atlantic
Year: 2004

Domestic price: 644.84UAH
International price: $32.90USD
1.  Oj jasna krasna v luzi kalina
2.  A tam u Jvana na zolotoj pryzbi
3.  Oj chyji zh chyji zh dvorcja novyn'ki koljada
4.  Sydyt zajchychok pud lipon'koju büb dz'oblje
5. Mp3Tam na peryni tam na zoloty koljeda
6.  Schudryj vechur dobryj vechur
7.  Ohotuha nove lieto
8.  V konci sela tam stojit verba
9.  V konci sela tam stojit verba
10.  Oj tam na ganku tam na muranku
11.  Plyve chovon vody povon v hvylju hylyvsja
12.  Tam za liesom za borom
13.  Svjatyj Jure Ryhore
14.  Oj v liesi v liesi na dubku
15.  Ishla Manjechka cherez buor cherez buor
16. Mp3Oh hto zh tam po sadu hodyv
17.  Nasha pani domuje
18.  Prylitaj prylitaj perepilko
19.  Oj vysoko vysoko
20.  Pojihav Jas'o na Pol'schu na Vkrajinu
21.  Poshov mily po oriehi
22.  Oj jdemo jdemo z rydnoho polja dodomu
23.  Oj chyj to horod nehorodzhany
24.  Oj propala moja dolja propala
25.  Mykolaju pane chy tobie ne stane
26.  Kropy bat'ku kony
27. Mp3Vyjdu ja na juolon'ku
28.  Letili huson'ky cherez sad
29.  Hodyt Manjechka kolo stolika korovajnychok prosyt
30.  Chyryz hulycju voda ryne
31.  Na pudvoru novyj kolodec' i vidro
32.  Koljesom slonechko j a v horu jiede
33.  Vypyj svanechko vypyj kylishok nevelykyj
34.  Oj ty mamin'ka rodnaja
35.  Pusti mene mati do hlopcja do haty
36.  Oj oddala mene mat' u chuzhuju storonu
37.  Posijala ohurochki blizko nad vodoju
38.  Kuje zazulja kuje syvaja po sadu litajuchy
39.  Hodyt Van'ka po vulici holovu sklonyvshy
40. Mp3Ja v seredu rodilasja znaju mamcju hore
41.  I shumyt i hude
 Total playing time: 69:04

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Domestic price: 644.84UAH
International price: $32.90USD
See also:

Koljadky ta schedrivky Rivnens'koho Polissja.

It has turned out to be that even now real finders are able to find something interesting, true, variegated – and unknown.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Bervin Bervinkovyj. Ukrainian ethnic music.

...when listening, you feel as if you were not exactly a listener. It looks as if you came to stay for some days, and the family turned out to be so sincere and so hospitable, that the hosts did not just receive and greet you as a guest, but also started to sing a song, moreover, not singly, but all together. So, you feel so warm, that you are reluctant to leave...
Domestic price: 644.84UAH, International price: $32.90USD

Alexander Sparinsky. Chary Kupal‘s‘koji nochi. Musical Suite. (CD extra). (Midsummer Night Magic)

Olexander Sparynsky has already repeatedly proved his creative professionalism – we could only mention his projects "Christ's Christmas 2000" or "Go Out, Vesnyanky!". In the end, "Spells of Kupala Night" is also a sort of polyphony, in which ancient ceremonies, modern technologies, authentic singing, improvisation thought, etc.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Alexander Sparinsky. Spring Singers, Rejoice! Multimedia edition.

You can listen these song on any CD player. In addition, you may put this CD into your PC with Internet Explorer installed and read a lot of information on church and civil traditions of celebrating of spring holidays in Ukraine
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Above the Karayets River. Project "My Ukraine. Bervy".

Domestic price: 703.64UAH, International price: $35.90USD

Reviews (1)

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Astarta. Astarta/Edwin. /digi-pack/.
slow drive
Domestic: 448.84UAH
International: $22.90USD
LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Choir "Soli Deo". Spivaje "Soli Deo". (Soli Deo singing)
Soli Deo singing – CD as a present
Domestic: 0.00UAH
International: $0.00USD
Troye Zillia. Paradise Birds. /digi-pack/.
songs of joy
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD