New Year is a great holiday. The holiday, during which everybody does whatever he likes, and, strange though it may seem, it's such a fun for everybody! Especially when celebration loses manifest features of common sense and gains at least a bit of grotesque. I know that everybody knows all that anyway, still I find it necessary to illustrate somehow what specifically this collection presents. It is not exactly that it is too much insane, but it is too parti-coloured, too bright and too energetic – it is saturated exactly with those waves, which people usually expect to get from New Year holidays. A carol song follows a joke, a ballad - reflection follows a carol, something romantic follows a ballad, and again a joke goes, and in the same way one wave follows another, so that there’s no time for real sadness. On the contrary, there’s the sounding of a holiday, in which there’s enough place for every manifestation of a sincere heart. And – there’s no place for something dark and extra. Let’s hope.
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 635 19622 Year: 2006
Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD