Arachnophobia hits are – "Ye Ye Ye", "U Mamy Odyn" (I’m the only mother’s son), "Mama, Sho?!" (What, Mom?) and many others. Like back in the "“good" Soviet world these tapes with these records were handed to each by the fans. The style of the band’s music isn’t heavy metal at all (as one might think taking the band’s "scary" name into account). At early career their songs were often compaired to Komu Vnyz and claimed as being spiritually conntected with Bashlachev. But fortunately guys didn’t get into neither of these streams – they are too alternative for Russian rock and too optimistic for "gothic rock".
The first album consists of 13 songs, which were picked by the band as the most potential and loved by the audience from their live repertoire. The lyrics of the band’s songs can be characterized as minimalistic but having the deep sense in them – using the legacy of slavian rock poetry traditions. The vocal manner of vocalist and front man of the group Valery Vlasenko – in a very special way contains anguish and mocking humour deviance...
information from http://www.compmusic.kiev.ua
photo from official site: http://www.arahnofobia.kherson.ua/