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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
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Catalogue -> Church

Academic Choir of the National radio of Ukraine named after P. Maiboroda, Taras Shtonda. Hospody, Hospody, syloyu Tvoyeyu! Sacred Music. /digi-pack/. (Lord, Lord, with Your Power!)

Reviews (1)
Academic Choir of the National radio of Ukraine named after P. Maiboroda, Taras Shtonda. Hospody, Hospody, syloyu Tvoyeyu! Sacred Music. /digi-pack/. (Lord, Lord, with Your Power!)
This time, the Academic Choir of the NRCU managed by Yulia Tkach presents the outcome of its collaboration with singer Taras Shtonda – the owner of a great bass baritone, a soloist of Kyiv Opera and Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. The outcome deserves positive consideration – no doubt. Both because it presents spiritual pieces by Dmytro Bortniansky, Pavlo Chesnokov, Mykola Leontovych – and because the performance quality is high. Generally, sacred music is a special matter that requires, obvious enough, special treatment. Both while working with it – and, actually, when listening to it. Technique as such is not enough to create an authentic atmosphere – deep, rich, able to expand internal horizons and take one beyond the routine. So, I would like to compliment Yulia Tkach and all of her team – they have managed to create such an atmosphere. It's beautiful music, far from ordinary merriment – but their performance makes it full with some indescribable joy, anticipation of luminous heights. And the voice of Taras Shtonda in this case seems to act as a kind of an earthly contrast – by which the chorus sounds particularly transparent...

The release contains an 8-page booklet with photos and information about the performers (in Ukrainian and English).


Publisher: National Radio Company of Ukraine
Year: 2012

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Academic Choir of the National radio of Ukraine named after P. Maiboroda
Taras Shtonda

Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
1. Mp3Choral concert ¹3 "God, God, by Your power" (Khorovyy kontsert ¹3 "Hospody, Hospody, syloju Tvojeju")
music: D.Bortnjans‘kyy
2. Mp3Lord, now lettest Thou (Nunc Dimittis) (Nyni otpushchajeshy)
music: O.Arkhanhel‘s‘kyy
3.  I trust (Viruju)
music: M.Strokin
4. Mp3The angel cried to the lady full of grace (Anhel vopijashe)
music: P.Chesnokov
5.  Blessed is the Man (Blazhen muzh)
music: P.Chesnokov
6. Mp3Let my praying come true (Da ispravyt‘sja molytva moja)
music: P.Chesnokov
7.  Choral concert ¹15 "Ye people, let us come and sing of Christ's" (Khorovyy kontsert ¹15 "Pryidite, vospojim, ljudije")
music: D.Bortnjans‘ky
8. Mp3Choral concert ¹7 "Imperial" (Kheruvyms‘ka ¹7 "Tsars‘ka")
music: D.Bortnjans‘kyy
9. Mp3Pochaevsk Icone of the Mother of God canticle "Oh, the Dawn rises" (Kant Pochajivs‘kiy ikoni Bozhoji Materi "Oy, ziyshla zorja")
music: M.Leontovych
10.  "Lord the God", fragment from Thanksgiving song ("Boh Hospod‘", frahment z Molebnu Podjachnoho)
music: M.Leontovych
11.  Ballad "Were living twelve robbers" (Balada "Zhyly dvanadtsjat‘ rozbiynykiv")
 Total playing time: 56:33

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
See also:

"AgiaDimitra" male choir. Da voskresnet Boh. /digi-pack/. (God Will Rise Again)

What should one expect from an album dedicated to the Holy Resurrection? This piece by AghiaDimitra choir is dominated by – joy. Perhaps, it should be noted that the joy is profound. Not only in terms of authenticity, but also in terms of the spectrum range, with a bunch of shades, overtone...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Gospel choir "Hlas". Khrystos razhdajetsya, slavite! The Ukrainian Tradition of Church Singing. Vol.2. /digi-pack/. (Christ Is Born, Glorify Him!)

The theme of Christmas is actually gratifying, it is one of the most clear and joyful Christian holidays. But these chants – unlike, say, Christmas carols – reveal a somewhat different type of joy. Quiet, enlightened – as if one stands in the face of our familiar world and sees traits not subject to time or darkness manifesting through it.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Gospel choir "Hlas". Predsuschy javyvsya. The Ukrainian Tradition of Church Singing. Vol.1. /digi-pack/. (The Pre-Existent Appeared)

Life is a variable flow, and we often say that too many hasty, superficial, and emotional things get mixed in this water. But this album is a reminder about that at any time there is a stream full of peace, light, and joy. It does not hide from us, it is always at hand – just one heartbeat away...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Iryna Aleksiychuk. Choir Compositions. /digi-pack/.

There is certain magic akin to the content of genuine, deep lullabies – although, sure, in this case the music is more sophisticated, and it is not limited to the "mother/child" vector at all. The emotional palette is very diverse, from the quiet waters of a prayer – and to the disturbing confrontation with the violent world of passions.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Anthology of Sacred Music. (mp3).

For all those who have no need for audio discs but do have the need for sacred music that sounds at home, not in a church – this disc will become just a wonderful acquisition. First, these are, as you can see, five albums on one disc. But number not always can say anything about quality, of course. Thus, secondly – have a look at the performers whose albums have been included here.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Reviews (1)

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Iryna Aleksiychuk. Choir Compositions. /digi-pack/.
Choir Compositions.
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
"AgiaDimitra" male choir. Da voskresnet Boh. /digi-pack/. (God Will Rise Again)
about the different kinds of joy
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Gospel choir "Hlas". Khrystos razhdajetsya, slavite! The Ukrainian Tradition of Church Singing. Vol.2. /digi-pack/. (Christ Is Born, Glorify Him!)
enlightened joy
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
Vydubychi Church Chorus. Praise the Name of the Lord.
Domestic: 546.84UAH
International: $27.90USD