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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
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Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
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Catalogue -> MP3-CD

Anthology of Sacred Music. (mp3).

Reviews (1)
Anthology of Sacred Music. (mp3).
For all those who have no need for audio discs but do have the need for sacred music that sounds at home, not in a church – this disc will become just a wonderful acquisition. First, these are, as you can see, five albums on one disc. But number not always can say anything about quality, of course. Thus, secondly – have a look at the performers whose albums have been included here. Cultural achievement of the chamber choir "Kyiv" just cannot be overestimated – here, not a single word of praise will be superfluous. And for this reason words are superfluous, the singing speaks for itself far more eloquently. But pay attention, for example, at the ensemble of ancient church chanting "Sreteniye". It is its album represented here that seems to us one of the best recordings in this subject, it is just an extraordinarily beautiful, deep work. Or the disc by the children choir of St. Elias church in Kyiv – it can also become a real, noticeable decoration of any collection of spiritual singing recordings. Thus, there are simply no weak participants, unsuccessful albums – and there are a few hours of real, clear, aesthetically beautiful pleasure in store for you. You can be sure.

The names of files are in Russian.

Minimal technical requirements: Microsoft Windows 98/ 2000/ XP, 1000Mhz processor, integrated video, 128 RAM, mouse.

Disclamer: All software proposed AS IS. We do not guarantee that it will be working on your PC. We have tested every CD on our PC and it works fine.

Publisher: UKRmusic
Catalogue number: UM-CD 131
Year: 2007

Domestic price: 292.04UAH
International price: $14.90USD
  Antolohija dukhovnoji muzyky
1.  Voskresenye Tvoe Khryste Spase (Kyevskyy raspev)
2. Mp3Telo Khrystovo
3.  Blahoslovy dushe moja Hospoda
4. Mp3Vechery Tvoeja taynyja
5.  Tebe poem (Bolharskyy raspev)
6.  Krestu Tvoemu (Hruzynskyy raspev)
7. Mp3O Tebe raduetsja (Znamennyy raspev)
8.  Spy Isuse (Koljadka)
9.  Stradal‘naja maty pid khrestom stojala (Psalm)
10. Mp3Ave Maryja
11.  Blazhen jako yzbral
12.  Hospody, kto obytaet v zhylyshche Tvoem
13.  Velykoe slavoslovye (Kyevo-Pecherskyy raspev)
14.  Svete tykhyy (Kyevo-Pecherskyy raspev)
15.  Kolokol‘nyy zvon Kyevo-Pecherskoy Lavry
  Starovynnyy bohosluzhebnyy spiv Vizantiji, Hruziji ta Rusi (ansambl‘ "Stritennja")
16. Mp3Tebe poem - Bolharskyy raspev, hlas Lehetos
17.  Psalom 145-y y Edynorodnyy Syne - Vyzantyyskyy raspev
18. Mp3Allyluyja - Kartalyno-kakhetynskyy raspev
19.  Pryydyte poklonymsja - Strochnoe mnohoholosye
20. Mp3Svjatyy Bozhe - Strochnoe mnohoholosye
21.  O Tebe raduetsja - Znamennyy raspev
22. Mp31-ja pesn‘ kanona Paskhy - Vyzantyyskyy raspev, hlas 1-y
23.  Frahment Lyturhyy - Strochnoe mnohoholosye
24.  Khrystos Voskrese
25. Mp3Krestu Tvoemu - Kartalkno-kakhetynskyy raspev
26.  Bohorodytse Devo raduysja - Vyzantyyskyy raspev, v yzlozhenyy Feodora Fakeyskoho, os‘mohlasnyk
27.  Frahment evkharystycheskoho kanona - Ymeretyno-huryyskyy raspev
28.  Dostoyno est‘ - Bolharskyy raspev, hlas 5-y
29.  Khvalyte ymja Hospodne - Bolharskyy y vyzantyyskyy raspevy, hlasy: 1-y, 5-y, Lehetos, 4-y, 8-y
30.  Dushe moja
  Izhe krestom ohrazhdajemy... (Dytjachyy khor Svjato-Illins‘koji tserkvy v Kyjevi)
31. Mp3Yzhe Krestom ohrazhdaemy
32.  Blazhen muzh
33.  Svete tykhyy
34. Mp3Nyne otpushchaeshy
35.  Bohorodytse Devo, raduysja
36.  Plotyju usnuv
37.  Khrystos Anaesty
38.  Peredzvin Dzvinytsi Svjato-Illins‘koji tserkvy
39. Mp3Arkhanhel‘skyy hlas
40.  Naslednyche Bozhyy
41.  Dostoyno est‘
42.  Psalom proroku Bozhomu Illi
43.  Kant Svjatomu Mykolaju
44.  Spy Isuse... Kanty svjatoho Dymytrija Rostovs‘koho
45. Mp3Nadezhdu moju v Bozi polahaju
46.  Maty myloserda
47.  Vzyray s prylezhanijem
48.  Isuse miy preljubeznyy
49.  Kant Pochajivs‘kiy Bozhiy Materi
50.  Dostoyno est‘
51.  Pod tvoju mylost‘...
  Khvalite Hospoda. Dukhovna muzyka kintsja KhIKh pochatku KhKh st. (Kamernyy khor "Kyjiv")
52. Mp3Khvalyte Hospoda s nebes
53.  Blahoslovy dushe moja Hospoda
54. Mp3Tebe poem
55.  Bohorodytse Devo, raduysja
56.  Tebe poem
57. Mp3Ne otverzhy mene
58.  Ublazhym Yosyfa
59.  K Bohorodytse prylezhno
60. Mp3Suhubaja ektenyja
61.  Kheruvymskaja pesn‘
62.  K Bohorodytse prylezhno
63.  Svyshe prorotsy
64.  Promyshljaju den‘ strashnyy
65.  Symvol very
66.  Vechery tvoeja taynyja
67.  Svjatyy Bozhe
68.  Khvalyte Hospoda s nebes
  Shedevry ukrajins‘koho khorovoho baroko (Kamernyy khor "Kyjiv")
69. Mp3Jedynorodnyy Syne. Pryidyte poklonymsja
70.  Voshel Jesy vo tserkov
71.  Ne otverzy mene vo vremja starosti
72.  Blazheni jako izbral
73. Mp3Svjatyy Bozhe
74.  Hospody, kto obytaet v zhylyshche tvoem
75. Mp3Dostoyno jest‘
76.  Da spravyt‘sja molitva moja
77.  Hlasom mojim
78. Mp3Da yspolnjatsja usta nasha
79.  Hospody, Bozhe moy, na tja upovakh

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Domestic price: 292.04UAH
International price: $14.90USD
See also:

"AgiaDimitra" male choir. Da voskresnet Boh. /digi-pack/. (God Will Rise Again)

What should one expect from an album dedicated to the Holy Resurrection? This piece by AghiaDimitra choir is dominated by – joy. Perhaps, it should be noted that the joy is profound. Not only in terms of authenticity, but also in terms of the spectrum range, with a bunch of shades, overtone...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Gospel choir "Hlas". Khrystos razhdajetsya, slavite! The Ukrainian Tradition of Church Singing. Vol.2. /digi-pack/. (Christ Is Born, Glorify Him!)

The theme of Christmas is actually gratifying, it is one of the most clear and joyful Christian holidays. But these chants – unlike, say, Christmas carols – reveal a somewhat different type of joy. Quiet, enlightened – as if one stands in the face of our familiar world and sees traits not subject to time or darkness manifesting through it.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Gospel choir "Hlas". Predsuschy javyvsya. The Ukrainian Tradition of Church Singing. Vol.1. /digi-pack/. (The Pre-Existent Appeared)

Life is a variable flow, and we often say that too many hasty, superficial, and emotional things get mixed in this water. But this album is a reminder about that at any time there is a stream full of peace, light, and joy. It does not hide from us, it is always at hand – just one heartbeat away...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Academic Choir of the National radio of Ukraine named after P. Maiboroda, Taras Shtonda. Hospody, Hospody, syloyu Tvoyeyu! Sacred Music. /digi-pack/. (Lord, Lord, with Your Power!)

This time, the Academic Choir of the NRCU managed by Yulia Tkach presents the outcome of its collaboration with singer Taras Shtonda – the owner of a great bass baritone, a soloist of Kyiv Opera and Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. The outcome deserves positive consideration – no doubt.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Iryna Aleksiychuk. Choir Compositions. /digi-pack/.

There is certain magic akin to the content of genuine, deep lullabies – although, sure, in this case the music is more sophisticated, and it is not limited to the "mother/child" vector at all. The emotional palette is very diverse, from the quiet waters of a prayer – and to the disturbing confrontation with the violent world of passions.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Reviews (1)

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