CD1 |
1. |
| Come, let us worship (Prijdite, poklonimsja)
2. |
| Bless the Lord, O my Soul! (Psalm 103) (Blahoslovy, dushe moja, Hospoda (Psalom 103))
3. |
 | The Great Litany
(Jektenija Velykaja)
4. |
| Blessed is the man (Blazhen muzh)
5. |
| The Small Litany (Jektenija malaja)
6. |
 | O Lord, I have cried to You (Psalm 140)
(Hospody, vozzvah k tjebje (Psalom 140))
7. |
| Tranquil Light (Svjetje tyhij)
8. |
| The Prokeimenon of Saturday (Galician Chant) (Prokimen v subotu vechir)
9. |
| The Litany of Fervent Supplication (Jektenija suhubaja)
10. |
 | O Lord, keep us this evening
(Spodoby, Hospody)
11. |
| The Litany of Petition (Jektenija prositjel'naja)
12. |
 | Song of Symeon
(Nyni otpuschajeshy)
13. |
| Hail Mother of God (Bohorodice djevo, radujsja)
14. |
| Blessed be the Name of the Lord (Budy imja Hospodnje)
15. |
| Dismissal (Okonchanije)
| | Other pieces:
16. |
| Heavenly King (Carju nebesnyj)
17. |
| Let my prayer rise (Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts) (Da yspravytsja molytva moja (Liturhija prjezhdjeosvjaschennyh))
18. |
| Irmos of the Ninth Ode for the Exaltation of the Cross (Tone 8, Lviv Irmolohion) (Pjesn' do vozdvizhenija chtjesnoho kresta)
19. |
| Irmos of the Ninth Ode for the Exaltation of the Cross (Tone 8) (sung in English) |
| Total playing time: 55:53 |