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Pearls of Classical Music. Volume 2. Ukrainian mp3 Collection.

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Pearls of Classical Music. Volume 2. Ukrainian mp3 Collection.
As usual, another issue of "Ukrainian mp3 Collection" consists of recordings familiar for our visitors due to the "Gold Collection" series. And in the same way as in the first issue, the content of this collection can be divided into two parts. The first part is instrumental music: it is world classics collection, as well as a collection of extraordinarily familiar and popular waltzes performed by brass orchestras. The second part is two collections devoted to the vocal art: "Ukrainian Solo Singing" and world classics performed by children choral collectives. All of those together create a truly beautiful bouquet – bright and varied at the same time. And, in the end, the pieces represented here do not require any special advertising – it is authentic beauty tested by time. And the quality of performance meets this beauty – without a doubt.

Important notice! Record is made in mp3 format. All files names are in Ukrainian.

Disclamer: All software proposed AS IS. We do not guarantee that it will be working on your PC. We have tested every CD on our PC and it works fine.

Publisher: Astra Records
Catalogue number: mp3-011-07

Domestic price: 370.44UAH
International price: $18.90USD
  Pearls of Classical Music. Volume 2
1. Mp3"Sytsyliana" (Je. Hann, N. Izmaylova)
music: J. S. Bach
2.  "Alemanda" z Sjujity ¹ 6 dlja violoncheli solo D-dur (H. Nuzha)
music: J. S. Bach
3. Mp3"Fantazija" dlja fortepiano d-moll (A. Kutasevych)
music: W. A. Mozart
4.  Preljudija e-moll (K. Fesenko)
music: F. Chopin
5. Mp3"Chudovyy vechir" z tsyklu "Preljudiji" (Ju. Panteljat, D. Manelis)
music: C. Debussy
6.  "V chovni" – p’jesa z "Malen‘koji sjujity" dlja fortepiano v chotyry ruky (V. Novykov, N. Tolpyho)
music: C. Debussy
7.  "P’jesa-fantazija" (V. Potapov, V. Novykov)
music: R. Schumann
8. Mp3"Uhors‘kyy tanets‘" f-moll (O. Krysa, T. Chekina)
music: J. Brahms
9.  Intermetso b-moll (M. Suk)
music: J. Brahms
10. Mp3"Muzykal‘nyy moment" b-moll (T. Kravchenko)
music: S. Rakhmaninov
11.  Preljudija A-dur (K. Fesenko)
music: F. Chopin
12. Mp3Introduktsija i rondo kaprichiozo (A. Mel‘nykov, Symfonichnyy orkestr UR)
music: C. Saint-Saens
13.  "Mazurka" ¹ 2 cis-moll (O. Hrynjuk)
music: F. Chopin
14.  "Muzykal‘nyy moment" h-moll (T. Kravchenko)
music: S. Rakhmaninov
15.  "Alemanda" z Partyty ¹ 2 dlja skrypky solo d-moll (O. Krysa)
music: J. S. Bach
  Pearls of Classical Music. Children Sing
16.  Ave Maria (Malen‘ka hrupa Velykoho dytjachoho khoru Ukrajins‘koho radio)
music: F. Schubert
17. Mp3Suscepit Israel puerum iz "Magnificat'u" (Kyiv children’s choir "Shchedryk")
music: J. S. Bach
18.  Dignare z "Dettingens‘koho Te Deum'u" (khor khlopchykiv "Dzvinochok")
music: G. F. Handel
19.  In Paradisum (U raju) z "Rekvijemu" (Velykyy dytjachyy khor Ukrajins‘koho radio)
music: G. Faure
20. Mp3Ave Maria (khor "Vohnyk")
music: G. Caccini
21.  Vergin, tutto amor (Ju. Stepanchenko, I. Makhrina)
music: F. Durante
22.  Stabat Mater chastyna 3 (Kyiv children’s choir "Shchedryk")
music: G. B. Pergolesi
23.  Stabat Mater chastyna 12 (Kyiv children’s choir "Shchedryk")
music: G. B. Pergolesi
24.  Procession (Vidkryttja) z "Ceremony of Carols" (Vinok koljadok) (Kyiv children’s choir "Shchedryk")
music: B. Britten
25. Mp3Balulalow (Kolyskova) z "Ceremony of Carols" (Vinok koljadok) (Kyiv children’s choir "Shchedryk")
music: B. Britten
26.  Ave Maria (Velykyy dytjachyy khor Ukrajins‘koho radio)
music: C. Saint-Saens
27.  Hallelujah (Velykyy dytjachyy khor Ukrajins‘koho radio)
music: D. Moor
28.  Who Is That Man (Khto tsja Ljudyna) (dytjachyy khor "Zirnytsja")
music: D. Bisig
lyrics: N. Price
29. Mp3Shen khar vinakhi (Kyiv children’s choir "Shchedryk")
music: Georgian folk song
30.  Bohorodytse Divo, raduysja (Velykyy dytjachyy khor Ukrajins‘koho radio)
music: A. Vedel‘
31.  Da ispravyt‘sja molytva moja (Velykyy dytjachyy khor Ukrajins‘koho radio)
music: D. Bortnjans‘kyy
32. Mp3Ljudy – jak ptakhy (Velykyy dytjachyy khor Ukrajins‘koho radio)
music: O. Opanasjuk, V. Umnov
33.  Po nebu kradet‘sja luna (khor "Vohnyk")
music: B. Ljatoshyns‘kyy
lyrics: A. Pushkin
34.  Zhavoronok (L. Taran, I. Makhrina)
music: M. Hlinka
lyrics: N. Kukol‘nyk
35.  Barkarolla (dytjachyy kho "Zirnytsja")
music: F. Schubert
lyrics: F. Shtoberg, tr. by A. Pleshcheev
36.  Vernys‘ v Sorrento/Torna a Sorriente (A. Ljuboshyts‘)
music: Ernesto De Curtis
37.  Mamma (Mama) (A. Ljuboshyts‘)
music: C. Bixio
38.  Arija (khor "Vohnyk")
music: J. S. Bach
  The Famous Waltzes. Performed by Wind Orchestras
39.  Amurs‘ki khvyli
40. Mp3Na sopkakh Manchzhuriji
41.  Spohady
42.  Nad khvyljamy
43. Mp3Vidhuk val‘su
44.  Kontsertnyy val‘s
45.  Na skhylakh Dnipra
46.  Kontsertnyy val‘s
47.  Val‘s z k/f "A zori tut tykhi"
48.  Val‘s z k/f "Pro bidnoho husara zamovte slovo"
49. Mp3Val‘s z k/f "Miy laskavyy i nizhnyy zvir"
50. Mp3Trojandy pivdnja
51.  Osinniy son
52.  Val‘s z k/f "Taras Shevchenko"
  Ukrainian Solo Singing
53.  Misjatsju jasnyy (z opery "Zaporozhets‘ za Dunajem") (Olena Soboljeva)
54.  Sontse nyzen‘ko (Kostjantyn Stoljar)
55.  Sadok vyshneviy kolo khaty (Valentyna Ivanenko)
56.  Za tvoji, divchyno (Bohdan Bazylkut)
57.  Oy, spivanochky moji (Bella Rudenko)
58. Mp3Serenada (Vasyl‘ Bokoch)
59. Mp3Vechirnja pisnja (Bella Rudenko)
60. Mp3Zore moja, vechirnjaja (Dmytro Hnatyuk)
61.  Nashcho meni chorni brovy (Diana Petrynenko)
62.  Jikhav kozak za Dunay (Valeriy Burmister)
63.  Oy, ne svity, misjachen‘ku (Ljudmyla Jurchenko)
64.  Ne shchebechi soloveyku (Svjatoslav Pikul‘s‘kyy)
65. Mp3Zhuravka (Yevhenia Miroshnychenko)
66.  Dyvljus‘ ja na nebo (Mykola Kondratyuk)
67.  Tykho, tykho Dunay vodu nese (Natalija Kravtseva)
68.  Hude viter vel‘my v poli (Dmytro Hnatyuk)
69.  Chotyry voly pasu ja (Yevhenia Miroshnychenko)
70.  Oy, ty, divchyno, z horikha zernja (Anatoliy Mokrenko)
71.  Oy, pidu ja mezhy hory (Iryna Zjabchenko)
72.  Chorni brovy, kari ochi (Valeriy Burmistr)
73.  Soloveyko (Bella Rudenko)
74.  Nich jaka misjachna (Volodymyr Zarkov)

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Duet "Svitjaz'". 46 tracks in mp3 format.

Earlier, songs of the duet could be found only in various collections. It surprises even more considering that virtually no serious variety art festival can do without these two men – and it is already far not the first year that it is so.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

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