I think that it would be interesting to listen to this collection not only for admirers exactly of drum'n'base, because D'n'B is a constituent part of electronic music in general and it means that it contains a lot of features and elements of other styles. I am not speaking even about chaos, acid and techno as one of the most famous trends. As an example, we may take even symphonic or psychedelic rock of 60th – 70th of the previous century – and to find their influence here, in this collection. I mean that today any musical search is the result of a more or less successful synthesis of previous experiences. The better this synthesis is, the more chances you have to say your own fresh word in search of something interesting in music. This collection contains a dozen of young Ukrainian searchers who are quite capable to prove their talent not only by words. May be, they will be able to convince you as well. Because D'n'B is the music of energetic people who are the first to make a step forward.
Publisher: Virus Music Catalogue number: CVP-005-2 Year: 2004
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
"5" is ‘The Best’, a collection of the best compositions in the more than five-year career of The Maneken. The collection includes 17 songs – compositions from the albums First Look, Soulmate Sublime and Portrait, as well as the new singles "L/R" and "Keep Moving On".
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Above all, Viktor Krysko is known as the constant member of the original Kyiv project Er.J.Orchestra, although recently he pays no less attention to the so-called K-Trio – Roman Kolyada's project. Well, and the album "Cinema Graffiti" introduces us to his somewhat different hypostasis. That of a composer.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
Thus, this album is a collection of already known but updated compositions by Tomato Jaws. Thus, not only Ukrainian friends of the project, but also international ones – as Tigerskin and Steve Jones, involved themselves into the update. Another remix was thrown by a participant of the Kyiv trio, Pavlo Lenchenko aka Playone. Plus – four tracks were prepared by the hosts – Tomato Jaws.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
CD compilation "Million Ways To Spend Your Time" was dedicated to 5th birthday of Ukrainian label Quasi Pop. It represents new & rare works by label mates and exclusive tracks from Quasi Pop's friends from different countries:
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The release, mixed by DJ Small, mainly contains tracks by residents of CTS records: Sergio Mega, Marcello Mineo, Ikiro – as well as three joint projects. The pearl of this release is a remix by the famous founder of Acid House – DJ Pierre (the USA) – for the track by Sergio Mega "Only Friends", which is included into the compiling as a complete bonus track.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
Sentimony Records led by the duet Sphingida continues releasing new discs – and making us enjoy their content. At that, there is a lasting impression that collections by this recoding studio – good, aren't they – become even better each time. Pleasant impression, sure.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
The album has comprised 12 tracks by Ukrainian, European and Russian producers. Next to such names of the stars of the world dancing floor as DaHool, Trik & Kubic, Coburn – there are names of known, as well as new Ukrainian and Russian producers – Sergio Mega, DJ Small, DJ DerBastler, Dan Brain, Sambooca.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
, Makeevka, Ukraina
22-08-2007 12:00 |
U menya etot disk uje god i ya ego do sih por kruchu! Parni molodci! Postoralis. Iz vsego diska mene ne ponravilos vsego 2-3 treka.
, Киев, Украина
29-11-2006 13:48 |
Летом вышла вторая компиляция UA DRUMANDBASS vol.2 [mixed by Funk Masters]
, Simferopol, Ukraine
05-11-2006 01:27 |
Полный отстой ,со всего диска 2 трека,которые более -менее понравились,остальное полная лажа...
, Waterford, Canada
30-05-2006 02:21 |
Awesome! Just love it! No words to screw up the good music.
You know how it is, sometimes you like this song and then when you listen closely, it has some bad lyrics, that you don't like.
But This CD - WOW! amazing!
, Ірпінь київ, РІдна ненька
20-02-2006 13:41 |
я нещодавно дістав цей альбум!мене реально розриває !!кульна штука!!респект фанк майстрам
, Київ, Україна
04-02-2006 01:12 |
Купив альбом випадково на розпродажу, з того часу слухав буквально разів 5 - нічого цікавого для себе на жаль не знайшов.