Catalogue -> Modern Pop -> Dance Pop

Verka Serduchka. DoReMi DoReDo.

Reviews (3)
Verka Serduchka. DoReMi DoReDo.

We will not say a lot about the new album by Serdyuchka – but not because it does not deserve attention. The other way round – it so brightly illustrates the spirit of today, so expressly reflects the internal structure of pop culture, acts as such an exact comment to global showbiz that it no longer needs eloquent comments. Serdyuchka plays her theater of absurd with an absolutely stone face – and that is why it only at the beginning seems that all that is a joke... It is generally known that every phenomenon has, at least, two sides. But showbiz in the globalized world is capable of and tries to be so ideally flat that the reverse – positive – side becomes an unattainable mirage. Strange enough, it is logical that it is Serdyuchka who in such situation says: "Do-re-mi do-re-do"...

Publisher: Astra Records
Year: 2008

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Verka Serduchka

Domestic price: 233.24UAH
International price: $11.90USD
1. Mp3Doremi
2.  Kiss, please
3. Mp3Essen
4.  Evro vision queen
5.  Gorbachev
6. Mp3Grosse liebe
7.  Essen 2
8. Mp3Cuba
9.  Poppy (punk version)
10.  Dancing lasha tumbai
  Bonus track:
11.  Narkotykam – net! (Naley mne v bokal ljubov‘)
 Total playing time: 38:04

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Verka Serduchka. Tralli-valli.

Domestic price: 194.04UAH, International price: $9.90USD

Reviews (3)

  , Laon, France
25-10-2010 18:58

really good cd, yes it's make you feel very happy.

  Asi Cohen , Holon, Israel
30-08-2008 20:56

I love the energy of "DoReMi". and since I got it , I play it in my car 90%
of the time, the good vibe and bit makes me smile all day long.
I already sing along, even though I don't know what I am singing.

I think this is true art, and Verka is all about having fun and party on.
I highly recommend of getting your hands on this albom.
it will sure upbeat your life.
Asi Cohen, Israel.

  , Weston super Mare, UK
18-08-2008 19:28

This is the sort of CD that just really makes you feel great! It is amazing how a litle disc can lighten the mood! Slip it in on multiplay at a party without telling anyone and watch the reaction! No-one can be sad with Verka!