Victor Pavlik is ready again to set everybody into a cheerful mood, though, as far as I can see, more and more purely lyrical mood, which has nothing to do with quick dancing, grips him. Well, I find it to be pleasant. May be, we become mature. Or may be we have got a bit tired of making ourselves sweat blood. This way or that, but this disc of Victor Pavlik provokes some new feeling. I do not know how to call it exactly. Solidity? It is not exactly that, but very close to it. It looks as if you suddenly understood that a guy has already turned into a man. There is some inner confidence and self-respect in his movements, in his bearing itself, there is something, which tells us – this person is ripening right now, in front of us. Now it is a fruit, filled with juice to the full. He knows, he feels his ripeness - and that is why he does not require extra and too much captious attention. Still, he is ready to share his juice with you. Well, if somebody gives you something, you should take it. Help yourself.
Publisher: GroLis Year: 2004
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- Victor Pavlik
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