Catalogue -> Modern Pop -> Dance Pop


Reviews (30)
Compilation from Ani Lorak - the most beautiful Ukrainian singer. She celebrates 10 years of music carrier. This CD is her report about this time. Compact disc includes 6 Russian songs, 6 Ukrainian songs and 1 English song including the last ones which were recorded on David Gilmour studio in England.

Publisher: Lavina Music
Year: 2000

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1. Mp3Zerkala
2.  Manekenschyca
3. Mp3Anhel Mojih Mrij
4.  Bozhe Mij
5.  Probach
6.  Ja Vernus'
7.  Bereh Morja
8. Mp3O Moja Ljubov
9.  Zabud' Svij Son
10.  Ja I Ty
11. Mp3Novorichna
12.  Moje Zhyttja
13.  The Way We Want It (Duo with Dima Klimashenko)
 Total playing time: 55:36

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Monatik. Zvychyt. /digi-pack/. (It Sounds)

Today he is – one of the most fashionable and demanded pop artists of the Ukrainian dancing-focused scene. Monatik's second album, which includes lots of soul intonations and light ethnic decorations, is an illustration of his ability and willingness to search for..
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Anastasia Prykhodko. Ya Vilna. /digi-pack/. (I Am Free) the album "I Am Free", there are already several songs in Ukrainian. In particular – "Heroes Do Not Die". However, the main line here is still romantic, and not too tearful – if you listen to the lyrics.
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Gaytana. Kapli dozhdya. (Raindrops)

The fact is that since her last album "Slidom za toboju"(Following you) had been released interesting and promising Gaitana became one of the best pop-singers of Ukraine. Now the quality grows not from album to album but from song to song – and this staggers a lot.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Iryna Bilyk. Na bys.

Domestic price: 144.20UAH, International price: $10.30USD

Gaytana. Taynye zhelanyja.

Domestic price: 166.60UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Natalia Mogilevska. Etot tanec. (This Dance)

Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Assia Akhat. Chocolate.

So, what does this album consist of? First of all, of light, almost transparent melancholy – it frequently happens with all those romantic confessions and meditations. It is they that penetrate through texts of all the songs. But, first of all, it is an album of nice pop music.
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Assia Akhat. Homo Novus.

...with this music you do not want just to sit – there’s an insistent need to move...
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Reviews (30)

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01-03-2010 23:27


  , рівне, україна
14-05-2009 14:53

ми з нею 2 краплі води. супер

  , Одеса, Україна
19-11-2008 16:02

First of all I want to thank you for your wonderfull songs!YOU-are a very talented woman!!!Espacially I like your hit "Shady Lady"/Wish you to become most popular ukrainiang singer for all times!Good luck!!!

  , кривий ріг, украина
11-10-2008 15:34


  Street Racer , Запорожье, Украина
04-06-2008 21:39

Каролина,ты СУПЕР и твои песни это просто КЛАС.Мы тебя любим.

  , alcanar, spain
22-05-2008 23:15

Udachi tobi ,schastya,napoleglivoi praci,tilki tak zmozcehc peremogti YA v TEBE viryu i pamyatay TI kracha. ciluyu tebe ANICHKA na peremogu!

  , Мариуполь
09-04-2008 17:36

Просто хочу сказать одна из немногих,кто не вулгарничает,а делает всё в меру.УМНИЧКА.Вся ДОНЕЦКАЯ ОБЛАСТЬ ЗА ТЕБЯ!

  , Киев, UKRAINE
04-12-2007 18:04

Дорогая Каролина пожалуйста преезжай комне скорее дочка

  , Іванків, Україна
08-10-2007 14:00

Каролина ты самая прекрасная и все что скажу я это от чистого серца.Ты самая добрая красивая и умная девушка которую я знала.И голос у тебя супер и поклоников много.Ты некого не слушай а верь мне ты единствинная девушка на эстраде которая правда умеет петь.Я посветила тебе свой стишок
Наша Кароліна
Дівчинка любіма
Голос дуже чистий
І душа барвиста
Грає і співає
Людей звеличає
Найгарніша дівка
Наша Каролінка

  , Киев, Украина
24-05-2007 14:15

Она просто МОЛОДЧИНКА ! ! !Очень красивые песни, хорошая музыка,,, И почему некоторым не нравятся её песни???

31-01-2007 02:33

Okay, right, he music is good, but what did I read there above?
The most beautiful ukrainian singer!?
Everyone knows, that Ruslana is the most beautiful ukrainian singer!!!
(- and of course the most talented, even in the world)

  Маня , Київ
23-11-2006 15:25

Лорак закохалася і стала людиною!

  S@SH@ , киев
19-11-2006 16:28

молодчика!ну стараетсяи на том спасибо!

  Катринка , Симферополь, Украина
31-10-2006 13:18

Лорак, на мой згляд, единственная певица уркаиской эстрады у которой в добавок к ее привлекательной внешности есть еще и сильный голос)))

  , chicago, united States
18-10-2006 09:14

i am best friend in the whole world lives in the ukraine..she has taught me so much about music..and has introduced me to the great talent of ani lorak...what else can i say??
...thank you tanya...this music has brought so much happiness to my life..just like you have..