Nowadays, no one even thinks of her jazz past – so we are not going to do this too (but secretly expecting that one day we’ll get the chance). The fact is that since her last album "Slidom za toboju"(Following you) had been released interesting and promising Gaitana became one of the best pop-singers of Ukraine. Now the quality grows not from album to album but from song to song – and this staggers a lot. Remember the sequence of her last hits: Dva Vikna (Two windows), Ne idy (Don’t leave), Shaleniy (Get crazy). Every next song was even more successful than the previous one, though it seemed to be impossible. Thus you can see the album which consists of song which are already fantastically popular and the songs which will become popular after the record is released. Perhaps, there is no other way as Gaitana’s songs can compete with any pop-songs all over the world. This excites no doubt. The secret is simple – she affords herself a luxury to be sincere. Probably, that is why her songs arouse great listener’s love.
Publisher: Lavina Music Catalogue number: LM CD 528 Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Gaytana
Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
See also:
Today he is – one of the most fashionable and demanded pop artists of the Ukrainian dancing-focused scene. Monatik's second album, which includes lots of soul intonations and light ethnic decorations, is an illustration of his ability and willingness to search for..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
..in the album "I Am Free", there are already several songs in Ukrainian. In particular – "Heroes Do Not Die". However, the main line here is still romantic, and not too tearful – if you listen to the lyrics.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Domestic price: 201.88UAH,
International price: $10.30USD
Domestic price: 233.24UAH,
International price: $11.90USD
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
So, what does this album consist of? First of all, of light, almost transparent melancholy – it frequently happens with all those romantic confessions and meditations. It is they that penetrate through texts of all the songs. But, first of all, it is an album of nice pop music.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
...with this music you do not want just to sit – there’s an insistent need to move...
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
, Киев
07-07-2008 16:22 |
Лишь бы она не повторила ошибок Ирины Билык
, ALKANAR, spain
22-05-2008 23:29 |
GAITANA-tobi potribno spivat ukrainskoyu movoyu tilki tak Ti zmozcehc dosyagnut bilhcogo uspihu.Pamyataehc yak ce bulo ranihe.A vzagali TI molodchinka.
, France
22-04-2008 12:25 |
I bought this album even if i didn't know her and her music. It was a good surprise because i love this kind of music and it's original to hear it in ukrainian language.
, Київ
26-02-2008 11:42 |
Купував просто так - я не дуже слухаю таку музику, але був приємно здивований і за перший тиждень прослухав разів 20.
Одна проблема - мало. Фактично, тільки 7 композицій.
, Івано-Франківськ
10-02-2008 21:16 |
Мені надзвичайно подобається Гайтана. Диск також дуже кльовий. Але,як на мене, її пісні та голос звучить краще українською мовою. Тоді вона якась оригінальніша!
04-02-2008 10:16 |
Не у вас купував... , але супер!!! 8 балів з 10. Гайці трохи не вистачає впевненості, як на мене. Але думаю з досвідом це прийде.
, Луганськ, Україна
30-01-2008 13:03 |
Диск "Капли дождя" мені загалом сподобався. Мені імпонує творчість співачки, її неповторність, жанрове різноманіття пісень. Це якісний продукт. Із нетерпінням чекаю на нові альбоми Гайтани.