You see in front of you the first Ukrainian solo release by Dunaewsky69. In fact, this is already his second album, but the first work saw the light of the day in Russia, in 2004. At that, let us note, it immediately attracted attention to the new author having caused a number of positive reviews. Though, generally, Oleksander Gladun could hardly be called a novice in music, there are already three or four projects in different styles on his account – but he began experimenting with electronics relatively recently. So, what does the album "Xquisite. Xcerpt" offer to us? We could say that it is a disc rather easy for perception – so easy that even almost a dancing one. In any case, rhythms pulsate stably here, do not break, do not float, do not disappear all of a sudden. The other way round – they develop, flow, grow in. But, at the same time, the melodies induce not so much to entertainment and loud conversations as to reflections, attentive perception. Dynamic outside, inside they leave space for reflections – that is why sometimes there appears sort of a reversion line, on which the external and the internal interlace, switch places. So as during a walk – when thoughts flow easily and freely, and the step becomes similar to that. You may not notice that, but to others it seems at such moments that you virtually fly. And if I had to characterize this album briefly and loudly, two words would suffice: dynamic meditation.
Publisher: Kvitnu Catalogue number: kvitnu 2 Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Dunaewsky69
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD