For the first time some of the tracks that constitute the album "Fuel" appeared on the Net a few years ago. Maybe, it will not be an exaggeration to say that they left nobody of those listeners who had a chance to listen to them indifferent. Although the musicians emphasized at once that this was nothing but an interesting experiment without continuation and that they did not really plan to develop it to the point of releasing a full-fledged album – the album was expected. And it seems that the accumulated force of expectation still appeared sufficient in order that the circumstances in the end appeared proper. At all events, here it is – the beautiful and frightful, acute and hotshot, transparent and dark, the reserved world-in-itself. Fuel for the Bengal lights of your personal Halloween... It stands on a thin blade, the door is ajar and draught sometimes grows so strong that you no longer know in which world you are now – and you do not ask. Because, largely speaking, all worlds intersect on that blade, and it is nowhere but – inside you. Balance – because what else is left for you but for the dance? And nobody would do a single pas for you, therefore there is no need to be afraid – you always carry what is yours with you. If you shine – there will be light. If you beg – you will have your palm always hungry. "Fuel" – definitely does not beg. Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: ßÎÊ music Catalogue number: IM 011 Year: 2009
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
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, Helsinki, Finland
28-09-2009 13:22 |
A very good surprise, I bought it because the cover was nice and the songs preview interesting. In the end, the instrumental songs are very good and soothing, and the voice on the others is very good. Thank you for making us discover this new artist !