One has to admit that the debut album by the group "Contrabanda.com.ua" pleasantly amazes. It is sated with freshness – but this freshness, in its turn, is obviously sated with love to the epoch of beatniks, music of the 1960s-1970s. And – to that counterculture, the protest of which is based on search for beauty and sense. There is no negation for the sake of negation. There are pure aspirations and clear eyes. The desire to find in this world something real – and the talent to turn the very process of searching into a work of art. I would call this music hard blues – but do not get surprised when you hear in it surprisingly transparent trip-hop mood. It would seem that these both styles could hardly be called optimistic. Conditional minus. But, as it happens from time to time, minus to minus has given us an unexpected, but so warm, intimate plus... This music is as if love for things made with your own hands, instead of using the conveyor line method. It contains elasticity of white clay, a bit pungent smack of a wine, shine of night water... In it, there is buzz of electric power in wires, slow breath interwoven with a kiss, and warm, but fresh rain... and – it enchants, as you can see. A specially enchanting thing is Olga Tsepkalo's voice, it is something inexpressibly native. That very real and fair thing that we discussed at the beginning. A bit cracked, as if torn vocal – but how much pure force, passion, deep feeling you have in it... When listening to this performance, I involuntarily remember Janis Joplin and Beth Gibbons. But not for comparison. Just each of these voices is capable of saying something that other voices are not able to say. Even if Olga were singing songs without words – these songs would be clear and close, I am sure. And it is only the start...
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 3806492 Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Contrabanda.com.ua
Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
See also:
This time "Fayno" once again offer their own lyrics and songs based on poems by such interesting and distinguished authors as Lazutkin, Lyubka, Honchar, Kiyanovska, Moskalets, etc. These interpretations are always interesting to listen to – at least, because the accents sometimes sound very different...
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
The first fourteen customers will receive this disc signed by Irena Karpa! the new album from Qarpa Band is the music of the world which does not exist. It does not exist outside big cities, the Web, the utter interpenetration of cultures, and dilution of borders. This is the voice woven out of thousand voice...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Given the impression that it is able to produce – it is even a pity that out of the three albums by the group, only this – "Poisoned Dreams" – has been released on physical media. Powerful stuff – and not only due to the style. Although, sure, high-quality performance of heavy music – it is always interesting. But here it is also about the contrast...
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
..there are increasingly more "problem-free" songs. Perhaps, it is just a way of self-defense – but "Postsense" protects itself otherwise. This group – attacks. Does not turn away, does not invent politically correct formula. They call unpleasant things their proper names – so, their album is not for those seeking for alienated comfort.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
Alternative music? – yes, this is it. Sympho-rock – yes, moreover, already now the group feels very confident in this sense, works at a large scale. Gothic? – yes, this is exactly the word that is the first to occur, if one speaks about the atmosphere as a whole, and about some texts in particular. Melodious heavy metal? – this, obviously, was the basis from which what we hear now grows.
Domestic price: 644.84UAH,
International price: $32.90USD
It is difficult to say where from in this fragile girl there is such an enormous amount of kinetic energy – we have nothing but to observe with sincere fascination how the dissected waves fall on the both sides of the selected course... And the course is such that in the last three albums – including this, new one – surprised ears of the audience hear more and more banter, quite hard and psychotropic electronic alternative.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Yanka Kozyr Orchestra not simply create music – they create their own mystery of sound, live and bright. And the music matter appears here so saturated, dense, enriched that it seems that it is visible, one can touch it, one can breathe it under water...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
lately it is well-aimed – a distracting blow on mind, a sort of that it is a logical riddle – but actually all this is directed at the emotional body, and in order to understand and get penetrated with it – it is not necessary to understand. the other way round, you should not understand – and then everything becomes clear. in a nutshell – zen. somewhat technogenic entourage...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Here, city nervousness, sharpness surprisingly intersect – with rootedness in some most ancient cultural layers. Yanka seems to not even sing, but practice witchcraft – and she does not copy known standards, but just takes her skills from some primary source. Not that she revives – rather, gives birth anew to some mystic passageways between the world...
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD
Sometimes – and you never know the next step this group will make - it is a real alternative. You see, an alternative simply means an open possibility of choice, an unlimited amount of possibilities.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
70 tracks in mp3 format and 5 videos.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
This group represents Ukrainian rock'n'roll music of today. It is popular in Ukraine and in Russia by its drive music, strong, unusual vocal, own style. This is their second album. Their style has slightly changed according to modern music tendencies.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This is something new, born due to deep immersion into the old – perhaps, that is why the press release states: "Stoned Jesus play vintage rock in the best tradition of the '70s, inspired not only by heavy blues, early progressive and classical psychedelics, but even grunge, stoner and post-hardcore of the '90s"...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
It easily combines the somewhat nervous manner of indie rock with the best displays of brit-pop, with cool emotionality of Scandinavian underground. However, these are nothing but relative definitions. Speaking otherwise, light, graceful melodiousness plus furious onslaught – elegance and, at the same time, enormous tension of all forces.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
From the very beginning these people promised that they would compose a high-quality European music, and to my mind it is exactly the thing they are busy with at the moment. This maxi-single, I think, is another confirmation of this fact.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, шостка, україна
29-09-2008 10:20 |
випадково попав на умку . тепер я постійно тут, пісня просто супер слухав разів 10.
, Киев, Украина
24-11-2007 14:36 |
Так, пісня "Озирнись" (кліп)-КЛАссс
, Івано-Франківськ, Україна
21-11-2007 18:58 |
Пісня “Озирнись” запала мені в душу, я був у захваті від прекрасного виконання та мелодійності,
і тільки бездарний кліп міг зіпсувати моє враження! Я дуже розчарований, навіщо було пхати безглузду сцену сексу. даний клім переможе номінації на “найкраще зплюндрування пісні”-дуже сумно.
06-10-2007 00:07 |
Потрясный вокал и отпадная музыка. Это реально что-то
, Київ, Україна
16-08-2007 10:42 |
Сьогодні вночі увімкнув радіо та випадково перемкнув на хвилю Радіо Ера, в кінці кінців не пожалкува, а й навіть був дуже вражений таким знайомством з "україньською Боні Тайлер", зараз же придбаю диск. Дуже якісна, класна, професійна музика і спів. Що ще сказати? Слухайте і насолоджуйтесь! )
20-07-2007 11:15 |
это супер!
советую всем ценителям настоящей музыки
, Sumy, Ukraine
26-06-2007 20:45 |
Кльовий альбом! раджу всім
, kyiv
23-03-2007 01:10 |
DEN - super!!!
, Stockholm, Sweden
27-11-2006 01:26 |
Well...I heard those songs 2 years ago and liked it. Say hello to Olga!! Am happy to be the first...