This is already the fourth album by Nick Savenych aka NIK_TO. The fourth corner inscribed into the circle of our world. Or the fourth circle – but not as Dante meant that, there is nothing infernal in this album. The other way round, in every tune, part live life looms, and each time – with a new face. This is as if an ocean liner flows in the large water: sharp sounds of dancing music echo from some deck, and from another – a quarrel and shooting, in the wardroom one hears laughter and an intellectual cabaret surprises, and from the hold mysterious sounds of invisible but saturated motions are meantime heard. While all around there is always – only the dark sky, salty air and the water that you see neither the edge nor the bottom of... However, the eyes that look at it remain the same – the eyes of someone looking from another side. Possibly – the eyes of the ocean.. In the end, Nick has long already had his manner, and it is easy to recognize it (although, it seems, this time the album contains much more vocal than usual). The parts of this work differ considerably from each other, each carries quite a different mood, causes different thoughts. A very saturated, pied collage arises – from within, it might even seem that it is chaotic. But outside – which is specific – every track looks as a sort of mutually connected doors. And all of them, in the end, lead to the same thing – to the warm and light core of our world. To love, joy and understanding. At all events, that is exactly how it seemed to me.
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 2366292 Year: 2009
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