How quickly the time is passing by: "Skryabin" is already 15 years old, but I remember meeting them for the first time at "Tavrian Games" and it looks as if had been not so long ago. Though, of course, it is not the matter of time. To be exact, the matter is that the time does not influence them. Because the members of this group are constantly polishing up the quality of their music and they are always open for experiments. And as we know, capability for changes constantly displaces the reference point - thus, the influence of time is graded. Can a person, who is constantly re-born, to get old? Though some constant things take place here - for example, depth. It is well known that every time it changes, but it seems that "Skryabin" never restricts itself with shallow feelings and events. Still, sinking into the sea of life, taking up peoples' manifestations like exotic and not so much exotic creatures of nature and imagination, the group if often a bit aloof. Here a space can be found. It does not impose its own way of perception, a listener remains free and becomes a participator. With its music, "Skryabin" creates a misty dimension in which there's practically no sharp contours, but there's a lightning in it - and in such moments everything becomes clear and straight-out. This music is a mixture of a hot heart and a cold mind, and you will not say what prevails in it. As it changes. And it is appropriate to say that all 15 tracks presented here, irrespective of how long ago they were composed, were once more recorded, collected and arranged. That is why it is possible to have a fresh look at these long-forgotten songs. In general, this recording consists of two discs. One of them contains songs, the other one contains clips. Both songs and clips were selected practically by the listeners themselves through voting. So, it is possible to say that this is our choice. Let it be this way.