A new face appears on the sky of the Ukrainian music. A serious and resolute one. With thin but firm features. "Fakultet" has female lips and male system of muscles, has its steel softness in the look of the ageless eyes. The protest has no age – and it is, certainly, music of protest. Speed rock, alternative, a bit of grunge, and so on in the same spirit – but, however surprising, when performed by the group, even this hard music bears in it something of the Ukrainian melos. Our thanks go, first of all, to Valya Levchenko – it is her manner of singing that makes the group’s face more expressive and recognizable. It is not that Valya sings sheer Ukrainian melodies. Not at all. But there are in her performance elements of something that Ukrainians call their own. So, I think, "Fakultet" will not be lost not only among local, but also among European and American groups. In spite of its rather young age. I really hope that nobody and nothing will intrude into its development. Since then we may hope that "Fakultet" will become one of the best groups of not only the country – but the world. It has already become one of the best groups of the country – at once.
Anton Yozhyk Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Melnychuk V.V. Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Fakultet
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CD1 |
1. |
| Vzhe ne son |
2. |
 | Insha
3. |
 | Navischo...?
4. |
 | Myt'
5. |
| Ne hochu! |
6. |
| Znov i znov |
7. |
| Zyma Fm |
8. |
| Zhadaj pro |
9. |
| Scho bulo |
10. |
 | Pislja tebe
11. |
| To ne ja |
| | bonus:
12. |
| Znov i znov (video) |
| Total playing time: 41:36 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
..it sounds as if somewhere at a rather strange intersection of indie/alt-rock/dark cabaret, without going into any of these territories explicitly, fully. And this is how, one step away from the clear line, they are forming their own space: broken, stormy and muffled, painfully sharp and – seemingly conscious of its mirages.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
..despite the relatively exotic terminology, these songs focus on such simple and complex, fundamental things in their inclusiveness: Life. Death. The path. The forest of ideas. In the album "Shaman", Merva weaves densely – and amplifies this with the corresponding sound range, which by no means inspires relaxation.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
With their second album, Pins reinforce the impression that the group does not agree to the role of a simple mirror. To see, think, understand – and seek. They may not always find – but do not stop. Eventually, perhaps, no answer is final – the more one gets to know, the more one has to cognize.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
The fourth album by Skinhate – and the first one in the recent 10 years – is, as ever, true musical fury. An unprepared listener will be just carried away, a prepared one – comforted with the powerful hardcore mix and meaningful anger.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
If one has a look at the song titles – one would think that the meeting with the music would be quite … predictable, probably. But this distance impression changes to some extent once you start listening. In fact, perhaps, the main surprise is how softly electronics and progressive rock are combined here.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This album leaves an interesting feeling – as if one has heard three in one. A sort of "arrivederci" to the previous album, completely different aesthetics. But it is only the first half (including by timing) of the disk. Next is "Black Church" – through which one may already recall that Stoned Jesus started with vintage rock...
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
..the debut mini-album by the Kyiv group "Kraamola". Despite the relatively small content – four songs plus a bonus – the work definitely manages to catch with its energy, a powerful message. And it's not just that the music is heavy – thus, by definition, it is tense, charged with energy.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
"Anna" has released a truly thoughtful piece. The powerful sounding and the characteristic vocal – all of that is clear, this is familiar, but I'd like to separately mention two other aspects. First – the new lyrics of the group carry even more semantic meaning. And, second, this is, actually, construction of the compositions..
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
We wanted to introduce this album here for several reasons at once. First, it has an interesting general concept – as can be seen from its name already, the album is devoted to the matters that for many decades have been helping people to kill – both each other, and oneself. Secondly – these texts do touch with their merciless straightforwardness, frankness of evaluations, bitter irony.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
"Kley.Mo" is the answer that Tol gave to itself to its own question. For about a year prior to release of this disc the group declared that it would be on vacations – and it was far not a sure fact that it would ever get back on the scene. But the period of silence has passed, and Tol has not only returned to performances, but has also presented fresh material.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Artistic tools of alternative music, expressive male vocal with a number of emotional tints, introduction into the body of the songs of singing in the authentic manner, extraordinarily appropriate sounding of folk winds – all of that creates a very saturated, literally electrified atmosphere. It is in this connection that it's nice to note that lyrics of the songs in no way yield to the music.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
..topics of songs by Opozicia cover an extensive range of themes. And, strictly speaking, Christian morality is the foundation, not a flag. That is why in the group's texts it is possible to hear a great number of poignant social issues – these guys are not afraid to admit that problems exist, they are not afraid to give them their true names.
Domestic price: 280.28UAH 154.25UAH
International price: $14.30USD $7.87USD
Thus, a cradle... Let's see, maybe, something extraordinary will really appear from this cradle to the light of the day. In any case, there are preconditions for optimism for sure. During the three years of its existence, the group has had enough time to attain both a nice quality of the material, and, the main thing, their own manner.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
There is in all that music some adult thing that lets one know – nothing occasional, toy-like happens here. Adult guys create adult songs and drink beer in the adult way (even if they do not drink it). Leather jeans should be somewhere at hand
Domestic price: 292.04UAH 219.13UAH
International price: $14.90USD $11.18USD
It is not that Ukraine has few serious, heavy rock groups – they exist, and new ones constantly appear, and more and more actively. But far not each group manages to furnish their appearance on the large scene in such a high-quality, noted and convincing way as the group White has managed. However, maybe, it is logical...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...the first album is a convincing evidence of the fact that this group is capable of making experiments deeply and finely through mixing ethno, acid, trance, rock and fly-agaric and at the same time remembering the taste. Still, even the vocal singing deserves your attention, to say nothing about the rest of music...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Донецк
08-07-2008 13:49 |
Ребята, это просто улет!
, Славутич, Украина
17-11-2007 02:31 |
Теперь ето моя любимая группа. Рекомендую послушать всемю , а самои группе Огромных успехов. Mup Bcem :)
30-05-2007 13:46 |
оскільки я сам серйозно займаюсь музикою, то факультета можу прокоментувати на відмінно. якщо ви слухаєте важку українську музику, то це саме то...
22-04-2007 13:26 |
Огромедное спасибо за отзывы!!! Мелодизм и жесткость вот наша стратегия!!!
, Черкаси, Україна
19-04-2007 17:03 |
Як на мене, то повна попса, грають не погано, а от вокалісці не фатає альтернативного вокалу,якогусь гроулу, чи скріму, задовбали такі проекти, все більше і більше їх на сцені, різні там Wasabi,Слоты,Traffic, и тд, Своим вокалом весь кайф партачуть, я не проти жіночого вокалу, навпаки, але тіх то по вокальним данним певного стилю не дотягують, моя порода грайте, точніше співайте в інших гуртах з легшим спрямуванням музики, таких як панк, чи в тому дусі.Бо ці Fuck ультет, навіть до рівня Guano Apes далеко не доростають(в плані вокалу), а до Otep, я взагалі мовчу.Короче то моя власна думка, яка б, хоч скільки б не було критики,- не змінить свої позиції. Так шо, звертаюсь до гурту, подумайте над цим, не робіть антиподів, не ксероксуйте, то гівно яке заповнює нашу альтернативну сцену, виновок грайте легшу музику, або міняйте вокаліста, або ж нехй вчиться кричати
, Тернопіль, Україна
13-04-2007 20:52 |
Мені дуже подобається "Факультет"!!! Найбільше люблю пісню "Зима FM". Я думаю, вони чимсь схожі до "Lacuna coil".
, Харьков, Самая любимая страна в мире Украина
25-02-2007 21:55 |
Всегда слушал англоязычную музыку, послушал наших, понравилось, сравнивать ничего и не хочется конешно похоже на много различных груп, но главное чтоб нравилось, а мне нравится. Композицыии на отличном уровне. Да и вот что ещё эта группа нащюпала жилку если они по ней пойдут могут сильно поднятся или испаганится как в общем 90% эстрады СНГ
, XERson, UKR
28-12-2006 23:03 |
Просто зашибительная группа от которой реально прет. Особо радует, что родная украинская и с саундом такого высоко качества. Хотя пока не видна фишка группы, которая отличала бы ее от западных аналогов. Но все равно побольше таких бы банд на Украине.
, Харьков
27-11-2006 01:23 |
Не соглашусь с предыдущим коментарием.Мне альбом понравился не столько из-за музыки,которая,безусловно сделана качественно,но достачно стандартно,а именно из-за текстов.Неожиданно глубокие и двусмысленные откровения о жизни,о любви,о времени и о многом другом. А смысл-не главное,главное-эмоции,а они здесь есть!
, Киев, Украина
16-11-2006 23:52 |
группа - одуреть, нравится всё, даже не могу в сравнение что0то поставить, но есть одно но - сами тексты песен ни о чём. Если бы под эту музыку ещё чёто со смыслом пели...цены б им не было
, Kiev
12-09-2006 11:19 |
молотки! отметил их еще на Рок Січ качнул Вже не сон - сразу зацепило, пойду покупать!
, Ukraine
08-09-2006 16:04 |
To Alex from USA. I'm sorry too, but this isn't ukrainian version of Evancence. May be just Evancence's influence determined Faculty style. This is not ukrainian version, this is just band of the same style. And it's cool band.
, Житомир
11-08-2006 12:31 |
Дійсно дуже-дуже класний та якісний альбом. Я його слухаю разів по 5 на день й аж ніяк не набридає. Гурт класний і я рада, що в Україні з'явився такий альтернативний проект як Факультет, та й ще з дівчиною-вокалісткою. Так тримати. А на Guano Apes, доречі, саунд не схожий. Тексти відповідають музиці, й взагалі дуже позитивні враження.
, Днепр
20-07-2006 15:37 |
Неплохо, правда похожесть на Guano Apes не очень радует. Тексты на украинском с таким муз. сопровождением, это по-моему не шибко интересно. А так ничё, профессионально всё сделано