It’s a pity, but I don’t know Moldavian. (I don’t know Japanese, either, but I listen to “Pizzicato Five” with great pleasure). As for these guys, besides their mother tongue they know Russian and Ukrainian as minimum. At that, when music is saturated with folklore motives so much, and at that not only with Moldavian ones, the language of performance becomes not so important – in such a case you only listen to music. You listen to music, which does not have even a hint at pop-variety art, as it is a real folk-rock. It also has all elements of all other musical styles, and this mixture is made in a saturated and deep manner. The deepness is quite thick to set a spade into it – please note - the spade does not fall down! At the same time, it is strange enough, but the hair of listeners does not become electric, though it is evident that the tension here is higher than normal. May be, the thing is that the musical canvas, though it delights eyes with colourful patterns, is not braided too tight – one can breathe through it, and with such kind of breathing one’s lungs are filled with air, which, by the way, tastes sweet when touched. (It is quite probable that if I knew Moldavian I would tell you something different. But I don’t know this language. May be, it is for good.)
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Songs in Moldavian and Russian.
Publisher: Moon records Catalogue number: MR 753-2 Year: 2004
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Zdob Si Zdub
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
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, lviv
12-06-2006 17:01 |
ZDOB SI ZDUB -- íàéêðàùà ôîëê-ãðóïà âñ³õ ÷àñ³â ³ íàðîä³â!!! Õòî ùå íå ìຠ¿õí³õ äèñê³â -- ÂÏÅÐÅÄ!
, ïåíçà
22-05-2006 13:37 |
ñîâåòóþ ïîñëóøàòü âñåì
, Zabrze, Polska
08-04-2006 19:58 |
Wspania³a p³yta. Mam chyba ich wszystkie CD. Niech zyje Mo³dawia !!!
Nicholas Simon
, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
31-01-2006 22:26 |
Even without generally understanding the lyrics, this is quite the most unusual record I've heard for some while, and fully expect to give it many plays to others who will be equally intrigued. When are they touring the UK...?
, Bristol, england
07-10-2005 13:06 |
This is wacky stuff indeed but not just wacky per se, damn good music, a folk rock that strays into almost punk but then comes back.
As to the songs themselves there's one with a fantastic female choir and I especially liked the Shepherd monologue with the flute in the backgound, you can almost imagine yourself in the Carpathians. Very up-tempo, lively music, they wake me up in the mornings on the way to work in the car!!!
They have a great sense of humour and I salute them for putting their much maligned country on the map in a positive way, we have a lot of negative news about Moldova here and its a relief to get a truer picture despite the obvious difficulties and hardships.
I'm off to learn Moldovan/Romanian...!
, Êè¿â, Óêðà¿íà
06-05-2005 12:06 |
Äóæå õîðîøà ñâ³òëà, äðàéâîâà øòóêåíö³ÿ â³ä êîëåêòèâó, ùî, íà ìîþ äóìêó, íàëåæèòü äî êðàùèõ ôîëê-ðîêîâèõ. ²íîä³ ñïîíóêຠçàãëÿäàòè äî ñëîâíèêà, - çàö³êàâëþº.