(item from the "Rare Discs" section) Promotional action of the album “Wild Dances” says that this is a revolution for the Ukrainian pop-music. I must admit that this is really so. This is a new and even somewhat revolutionary quality. Ruslana has always differed from the rest of the Ukrainian pop-singers by her special attitude to native musical traditions and traditions themselves. If her first steps in this direction were well-known Christmas concerts and actions aimed at renewal of castles and fortresses of the Western Ukraine, now in her creative work musical roots of the Carpathian mountains quite naturally are brought to the forefront. Combined with modern quality of a sound and a voice, as well as the manner of performance, which, I hope, touch everybody, this music just turns into a squall of an impassioned energy, impetuous and inspired, merry and light. If you need any associations, then in this moment it somehow reminds the music of Horan Bregovych which is performed in the films shot by Emir Kusturitse. Anton Yozhyk Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Comp music
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- Ruslana
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Play me, musician
(Oy, zahray my, muzychen‘ku (joy dance))
2. |
 | I know
(Znaju ja (drive dance))
3. |
| Pljes (flute dance) |
4. |
 | Arkan (extreme dance)
5. |
 | Tell me
(Skazhy meni (love dance))
6. |
| Kolomyyka (crazy dance) |
7. |
| Hutsulka (mystic dance) |
8. |
 | Northern song
(Pivnichna (northern dance))
9. |
| It is love (Tse - ljubov (chill out))
10. |
| I love you (Ja tebe ljublju (ballade))
11. |
| Play me, musician (Oy, zahray my, muzychen‘ku - deep mix (CJ Necrasov's remix))
12. |
| Tell me (Skazhy meni - house remix (CJ Necrasov's remix))
13. |
| Arkan - new wave mix (CJ Necrasov's remix) |
14. |
| Kolomyyka - disco house remix (CJ Necrasov's remix) |
15. |
| Tell me (Skazhy meni - hard&pha.. edition (CJ Necrasov's remix))
16. |
| Arkan - euro house remix (CJ Necrasov's remix) |
| | Bonus tracks
17. |
| Play me, musician (Oy, zahray my, muzychen‘ku - "Wild dance" edition (Alex. Voitins'kyiy's version)
18. |
| Wild dances (Dyki tanci (instrumental version of Euro Song Contest))
| Total playing time: 66:41 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Cooperation of Astarta (a side project by Eduard Prystupa) with Colin Edwin (Porcupine Tree bass-player) is just an example of such quality implementation of ideas, when first you do not even try to understand what the essence is, but just listen. Listen carefully, because it is delicious.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
...Ukrainian authenticity is primarily the mystical energy of the earth and the complete harmony with the space. This is very powerful music! The new disc by ILLARIA is a kind of a calendar of Ukrainian music traditions. It includes cover versions of well-known folk songs based on authentic archival records.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...arrangements of this album very relevantly intertwine Ukrainian melodies with folk tunes of other nations. The palette is very broad – from klezmer and to gospel – and that, you know, positively impresses. Definitely – "Alibi" grows over itself, and grows in an interesting way.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
Careful attitude to derivative material, interesting arrangements, general saturation of the musical component with various optional but so appropriate decorations – all of that is here. And all of that makes the album "Christmas for Two", maybe, one of the best pop-albums devoted to the theme of Christmas during the several recent years.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
...the disc combines such directions as ambient, lounge and classics. The result – orchestrated melodies accompanied by sounds of nature and modern electronic rhythms, the easy and cheerful atmosphere of leisure. Besides, all of that is also seasoned with ethnic colors – not too thickly, but pleasantly.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
"Amazon" became the messenger of changes – though interesting but still a test of forces, reconnaissance of other territories. Now this is obvious, because "Wild Energy", in its turn, is a weighty result of those very deep quality transformations. The disc should, obviously, become the head stone in creating the image of a new Ruslana – and it has everything necessary for that. This is really another quality of music, and not only music.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
The project "Make Merry, Youth!" is an attempt to connect in the ethno-pop music genre reconstructed samples of folk and professional traditions of the center and east of Ukraine, use authentic music instruments, playing techniques and sound scales for their full-fledged introduction into modern youth culture. And also – to make the ear of a wide audience of listeners used to the new timbre...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
For some time Ruslana, it seemed, had disappeared somewhere – but it has appeared that she had not. It has been revealed that she just – well, certainly – prepared a new powerful explosion on the plane of the domestic ethnic pop. Well, and now – the first robin, the first powerful explosive bullet – here you are!
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
Rhythms of "Osiayni" bewitch with their soft, silent pace. Marta, in her turn, also obviously appears here not by chance. Her voice has a very interesting feature – it somehow inexplicably combines in itself the past and the future. It seems to be native – and somehow not from here.
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"1944" is a 20-minute EP released on the occasion of Jamala's participation in Eurovision 2016 contest. One can find the contest song there, as well as songs from the three recent releases.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Eurovision is, probably, the most famous variety song competition in the world, this year more than 100 million people all over the world were following the course of events. Could anyone seriously rely on that the Finns with their hard rock song and disguised as monsters will win in Athens? But they won, at that – triumphantly...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
30-10-2008 13:39 |
Hello and thanks for reminding me to do this. Of course I liked the CD. I like Ruslana. I love Ruslana. I adore Ruslana. I have the English version, but the Ukrainian wasn't released in my country and only recently did I have the opportunity to order it from your great site.
Ruslana's music is amazing, it is unique and every note, every single sound gives an enormous charge of energy. If you haven't tried it, you wouldn't believe it. I wouldn't either. But when you press/click the play button and when there is a Dyki Tanci CD in your CD in-lay, I guarantee that you will feel a magic, yes, a magic, I can't call it in another way, all realistic words are too simple to describe Ruslana's music and voice. When you say: "Ruslana", this explaines everything.
Thank you!
, Canada Toronto
25-10-2008 03:31 |
You are the BEST and we are wating for you here to came to Toronto and sing for us on November the 13th!!! The best song you wrote was WILD ENERGY!!!
See you in Toronto!!!
, Quezon City, Philippines
10-02-2008 17:17 |
I am probably the only Ruslana fan here in the Philippines. But I'm proud of it! I first saw Ruslana during her winning performance in Eurovision 2004, while I was working on board a cruise ship. She affected me so much, I felt the gypsy in me come alive. I may not understand a word of Ukrainian but I love her album tremendously. I am so glad UMKA makes her CDs available to us here on the other side of the planet. And at such a short period of time. I got my package in barely two weeks. Keep up the great service!!!
, tyler, usa
10-09-2007 01:17 |
I have to agree with all the other opinions before me in a great way! the album is a work of art for the lovely ruslana. the mix of pop-folk music
and instuments used make it easy to become a fan!
working with UMKA is a great pleasure, care and attention to customer
satisfaction is supurb!
all I can say is -go ruslana, love your music! viva ukraine!
, лісабон, португалія
20-06-2007 00:44 |
ти класна
, Vittoriosa, Malta
29-05-2007 14:00 |
Your service is very efficient. Received the CD in just over a week.
Wildest Regards, Manuel Magrin Malta
, quarteira, portugal
18-04-2007 00:12 |
Привіт всім фанам української музики .Сподіваюсь що зазвучить музика руслани і тут в португалії для емігрантів на хвилях місцевих радіостанцій і я для цього прикладу максимум зусиль.Особиста подяка руслані та хай живе і квітне україна та її пісня !
, Ivano_Frankivsk
15-04-2007 04:59 |
Ruslana pruizai v Karpatu chekaemo z neterpinam.
, Україна
07-02-2007 17:44 |
Привіт.Я дякую тобі за справді класну музику.Ти дійсно "дика",і це захоплє. Чекаю на твій новий диск.
, Kosov, Prishtin
22-11-2006 15:43 |
hi ruslana you are the best i love so much i like your way of dancing i love you so muchchchchchchhchch YOUR ARE FANTASTIC YOU HAVE A REALLY GOOD VOICE FROM SEVIII
, Darien, United States
17-11-2006 20:23 |
Ruslana is coming to Chicago in the US on December 10 2006. how awesome is that.
, тернопіль, україна
03-11-2006 15:43 |
ти прикольна
, The Netherlands
17-09-2006 19:27 |
I ordered this CD a few weeks ago, shipping was really fast, service is great.
Well back to the CD: The CD is really great, I love listening to it while doing my homework. 100% Ruslana POWER!!!
, Copenhagen, Denmark
30-08-2006 19:37 |
, Rivne, Ukraine
17-07-2006 22:51 |
Hi! Ruslana you are the best!!!
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD