No doubt, one starts listening to the album "Wild Energy" just as the English-language version of the album "Amazon" – that's unavoidable. But very soon one already feels that not only the language of singing is different here. And in a few minutes more one realizes clearly that he/she listens to a separate, absolutely new Ruslana's album. Exactly – a bright, hit album, in which virtually every composition is strong in its own way. Although from outside it might sometimes seem that the difference from the first variant is just in a couple of details, "Amazon" became the messenger of great changes – though interesting but still a test of forces, reconnaissance of other territories. Now this is obvious, because "Wild Energy", in its turn, is a weighty result of those very deep quality transformations. The disc should, obviously, become the head stone in creating the image of a new Ruslana – and it has everything necessary for that. This is really another quality of music, and not only music – Ruslana becomes a full-fledged international brand, which "catches" already not so much due to ethnic motives but to real professionalism in approaching the whole business. This could be briefly described as, say, emotional calm with steel muscles. Yes, there is really that wild energy here – but it does not bustle at random. It has been tamed – and today it is able to shift more than one mountain.
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 2640892 Year: 2008
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Ruslana
Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
See also:
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Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
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Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
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Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
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Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
...the disc combines such directions as ambient, lounge and classics. The result – orchestrated melodies accompanied by sounds of nature and modern electronic rhythms, the easy and cheerful atmosphere of leisure. Besides, all of that is also seasoned with ethnic colors – not too thickly, but pleasantly.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
The project "Make Merry, Youth!" is an attempt to connect in the ethno-pop music genre reconstructed samples of folk and professional traditions of the center and east of Ukraine, use authentic music instruments, playing techniques and sound scales for their full-fledged introduction into modern youth culture. And also – to make the ear of a wide audience of listeners used to the new timbre...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
For some time Ruslana, it seemed, had disappeared somewhere – but it has appeared that she had not. It has been revealed that she just – well, certainly – prepared a new powerful explosion on the plane of the domestic ethnic pop. Well, and now – the first robin, the first powerful explosive bullet – here you are!
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
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Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, United States
26-04-2009 13:28 |
I have all the Ruslana CD''s both in Ukrainian and English and this is the quality of work that I expect from her. Its a great CD! I highly recommend it.
, Greece
25-12-2008 12:06 |
i liked very much Ruslana and her music around 2004-2005. i bought her WD cd in 2005 and I was impressed by her unique carpathian rhythms and her wild dances.
but this new "wild" style was a bit disappointing. ruslana seems to have lost her magic through internationalizing and greed for american glory. now she seems to be the 53rd state of USA. I didnt buy her new cd, and probably i will not. i only listened to her new songs on internet and i must confess i liked only a few! :(
what a pity! i hope she comes back in the future with more original carpathian,slavic,balkan etc style and that she finds again her old good self. :)
, Moscow, Russia
07-12-2008 23:08 |
Ruslana is great as usual)
unique style, powerful songs with meaningful lyrics and her wonderful voice make this album marvelous)))
especially The girl that rules!!it is gonna be a hit)))
good luck,Ruslana)))we love u soo much)))
, Kharkiv, Ukraine
28-11-2008 10:30 |
I love-love-love-love-love-love-love Ruslana and her new album !!
, Hull, England
02-11-2008 20:37 |
it was meant to say makes her and her music unique! XD silly me, owell
as i said great album!
, Hull, England
02-11-2008 20:36 |
i thought the album was great, Ruslana's duets are really good and all the other songs are. she is different from the rest which makes her and her makes unique, great album glad i got it.
27-10-2008 01:36 |
The music is irritating. The Girl That Rules sounds like an old Britney Spears song. A lot of the lyrics don't make any sense, especially Cry It Out, and almost every track sounds familiar. Very unoriginal.
25-10-2008 18:10 |
Bull shit
Unitresting and boring bubblegum music
24-10-2008 17:55 |
Best Album of this year... Ruslana rules, there are really great songs in this album!!! so buy it, you will not regret!!!
, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
24-10-2008 12:31 |
After two years of waiting and hoping, finally Ruslana’s English album Wild Energy is released. Wild Energy is recorded at the famous Hit Factory Studio in Miami. The album contains a strong mix of different musicstyles, videoproduction and political/social commitment. Themes as freedom of thinking and being and the wish for Energy Independence and a healthier climate can be found in the words of the songs of Wild Energy.
On Wild Energy you can find a lot of different musicstyles and of course the significant great singing of Ruslana. Wild Energy shows that Ruslana dares to go further then the concept of Wild Dances which have been so succesful. She has clearly grown in her singing and performance. This results in an innovative and complete Ruslana album.
Wild Energy contains some great songs like Wild Energy, Heaven Never Makes Us Fall, Dancing In The Sky, Silent Angel and the fragile The Energy Of Love.
And fortunately there are also some wild songs to be found. Especially I want to draw attention to Overground, New Energy Generation and Heart on Fire (the opening of Eurovision 2005).
Surprising are the 2 duets with Missy Elliot and T-Pain. I liked the combination Ruslana and Missy. The duet with T-Pain has already been very succesful in several countries in Eastern Europe
Wild Energy is a great new album of great singer that deserves to be in every music collection. So buy one!!!
Do you want the whole Wild Energy experience I can only advise to buy the excellent Amazonka-CD as well. The Ukranian versions give a new dimension in experiencing the songs. And lat but not least you also get some great powerful songs like Vohon Chi Lid and the anthem Not For Sale which Ruslana initiated and performs for the new UN.GIFT campaign against human trafficking to which Ruslana is very closely connected.
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD