Ethnogroup "Silska Muzyka" is a very close relative of the known folklore group "Vesnyanka". At all events, founding fathers are the same for these collectives. And, actually, their direction of research is also, at least now, close – it is folklore of Rivnenske Polissya. Instrumental music, and songs, and garments –the musicians collect all that in folklore expeditions, inherit, work over and offer for consideration of the audience. That is, it is not about free arrangements of ethnographic material. Silska Muzyka is a group that tries to preserve and reproduce traditions, features of performance in their authentic form. Although the group modestly says that it is young, but, first, it has been actively existing from as long as 2003, and, second, it consists of very experienced musicians (groups leaders, teachers, concertmasters). Consequently, no wonder that the first disc by this collective testifies to its high professional level – and creates with its sounding a very real, live atmosphere. Of course, there is also enough place for melancholy, and for joy, but the main thing – there is enough place for beauty.