Pavlo Shepeta, Sergey Kapeliushok, Olga Voichenko. Spivanochky moi. Ukrainian folk songs. /eco-pack/. (My Songs) | | Track Reviews (3) |
The recording is luxurious – perhaps, one could hardy put it in other words. This is something that so far we have not had: a vocal and instrumental album of Ukrainian folk songs at the intersection of jazz, chamber and symphonic, variety art music (such as, for example, songs by Frank Sinatra or Astrud Gilberto). Everything is spot on: "freshness" of the selected songs, exquisite, rich arrangements by Pavlo Shepeta, careful sound direction by Max Gladetsky, filigree brevity of the musicians – and, of course, singing by Olga Voychenko. Her voice seems to have absorbed all colors – a mom's gentle glance, transparent mist of a girl's sorrow, spring laughter of refreshed water, and the transparent height of the August sky, calm fatigue in the evening. Absorbed – and returned fully, and filled to the brim with feelings, experience of living beauty... And one more thing. I believe, it will not be possible to avoid comparison anyway – too many various echoes have intersected here – so let me note: the closest to this album in the sound palette and elegance of arrangements are, in my opinion, "Two Colors" by Kvitka Cisyk and "Oh, Spring, Spring..." by Mlada (by the way, arrangements for it were also created by Pavlo Shepeta). Definitely, we should mention works by Yulia Roma, ShockolaD band, – and also, oddly enough, in the way of sounding this album sometimes reminds recordings by Er.J.Orchestra. But. Such a synthetic work that would organically combine directions that are so diverse, in fact, with jazz – so far just did not exist. Now, fortunately, it exists – and I hope that it will be continued... Olga Voichenko - vocals (1-9) Pavlo Shepeta - piano, keyboards (1-9) Serhiy Kapeliushok - guitar, vocals, ocarina (1-7,9) Maxim Hladetsky - double bass (1-3,5,6,9) Valery Volkov - drums (1,3,6) Olexander Berehovsky - percussion (1-5,7-9) Andriy Pushkarev - vibraphone (6) Maria Khmelyova - flute (1,3,5,9) Maria Kiyah - flute (2,4) Yuri Sviridov - clarinet, bass clarinet (1,3,5) Serhiy Hurin - bassoon (1,3,5) Yaaroslav Rura - oboe (1,3,5) Olexander Zaytsev - horn (1.3) Natalie Kmet - harp (2.4) Kateryna Polianska - cello (2,4,7) Serhii Mytrofanov - violin (8) Viktor Belko - accordion (9)
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 7255012 Year: 2013
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Sergey Kapeliushok
- Pavlo Shepeta
- Olga Voichenko
Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
See also:
..the album is not free improvisation for keyboards, but – a space of co-creation in the ethno-jazz spirit. Space so deep, versatile – there is enough magic of rhythms, and magic of silence, not to mention the fact that Oorzhak's throat singing inevitably adds very characteristic colors.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..the fact that a Kyivite turns to Lemkian songs is unexpected and interesting. The musicians are very caution about the authentic material, they do not shutter the songs’ architecture. Instead, they delicately unwrap and decorate the main lines, having arrived in their arrangements at a certain common denominator for the generally diverse plays..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
..the circle is closed for them to reach something new: from the initial composition, only Anastasia Litvinyuk and Ihor Hnydyn have stayed, the rest of the lines are within responsibility of our Polish brethren led by Ewa Novel. And somehow quite expectedly the band's music has regained its distinct ethno-jazz colors, stepping aside from the previous lounge rails.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..And there ever is love for the music – no matter where musicians roam following the quest while working on new material. Yellow. Life-giving. Hot and humid. Warm. Dry and mirage-like. Joyful. Acute. Crumbling. Spicy. Soft. Diverse and – alive... Listen.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
In its previous album "Pokosy", ShockolaD stepped away from jazz for an almost safe distance – the key definition of the work would be "ethno-lounge". Well, and this time the group seems to have decided to remix all familiar ingredients – both the ethno, and jazz, and acoustic lounge – and, sure, to season it with a few new colors.
Domestic price: 644.84UAH,
International price: $32.90USD
This is the third album in the official discography of Er.J.Orchestra. And I really hope that it will be not a stop, not completion of the trilogy, but one of the many pearls on the thread. Such music simply must be incarnated, sound, fill the space – at least because honest beauty, dignity, authenticity live in it...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Very transparent, juicy, quiet and confident and yet full of irrepressible life – this is what this work appears like. Stylistically, it continues the trend including the albums "Black" and "Red" – the pure jazz-rock line, with no direct immersions into the lounge or symphonicity. But in a much softer, tender version.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
To enrich them with modern colors without destroying the subtle paths of the light joy inherent in Christmas carols and shchedrivkas – which is not an easy task. Since it requires great attention and tolerance. Finally, it just requires love for this music, for the roots – and love that is creative. And it seems – they have succeeded.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
Victor Solomin is virtually the only jazz domra-player in Ukraine, therefore the both of his ethno-jazz projects – "SolominBand" and "DomRa" – have here no immediate analogues just by definition. Besides, "DomRa" can boast two key instruments at once: those are the domra and the vocal, and it is they that provide the "ethnic component" of the sounding here.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
...each of them separately does not really have almost anything too sophisticated, to say nothing about the superfluous – but these transparent lines interlace so pointedly and charmingly, that an indescribably rich matter of light appears. In the case of Er.J.Orchestra, it is not only about concert improvisations – the issue is discovery and creation of old-new worlds, no less.
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD
ShockolaD again combines Ukrainian folklore with improvisational music, and the ethnic component, as well as before, is strong and expressive – but this time the group represents fusion that literally borders on world music. In other words, in our view, this is soft music understandable for a very wide public – which, nevertheless, remains pleasantly intelligent, delicate.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"Kolomyikas" is a good album with bright pieces that are able to capture the audience as it is, even without associations with the material it derives from. In the end, there was no "weak link" in the team of the album’s creators. That is, probably, the reason why, without regard to the intense structure, there is within the music fabric – freedom, which makes it possible to breathe deeply.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
...the album at once creates elated, festive mood – but in a surprising way. In the correct way. Because, although about a half of the compositions can hardly be called merry ones – a smile is very expressly felt in them. Somewhere dim, somewhere transparent, somewhere dreamy, somewhere thoughtful – but it is present in each piece, and it warms.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
It seems to me that none who has at least once heard performance by Motion Trio – and the more so none who has seen it – will ever forget, mix it up with anybody. And the thing is not only original composition – although you will hardly find among performers of jazz, art rock, folk fusion another trio what would consist exceptionally of accordions.
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD
It is great pleasure – to listen to music that has let in, changed, satiated and breathed out so many bright impressions, lives, root... When music is wide open – everybody can drink from it, see one's face in it, find in its one's real.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
First, it's just beautiful – and, moreover, not that simple. Anna Mia Quintet musicians have recorded a seemingly chamber album, but this music would be no less appropriate on a large stage. Very intimate, with a bunch of soft pauses and undertones in its colors – and, at the same time, very prominent, voluminous. Interesting..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...And – freedom, needed in treatment of the form and details. This is what this album is comprised of – well, and a jolt of haphazardness, to spell out in words the somewhat absurd lyricism of the world capable of joyfully and sadly beautiful acts. Even if it doesn't (?) make sense. Exhale and inhale, mind and heart, because otherwise – it does not work, it does not dance.
Domestic price: 574.28UAH,
International price: $29.30USD
..on the one hand – the fantasy of jazz musicians. And on the other, all these laces of motions and patterns are thought over and embodied so confidently and easily that this ease allows one to not focus too much, but skip and let it go to the back of one’s mind right away. Instead, one listens to the main melodic line, the beauty and the flexible power of the voice..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
It is a living flow that erodes and connects the banks – the universal language that remembers all dialects, but does not preserve them, gives them space for movement and development. Actually, this is what the entire album is about: the form is changeable, try and feel what does not depend on it – and therefore has the power to change it. And may the power be good.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
In his time, Igor Zakus became virtually the first jazz bass-player in Ukraine who released a solo album. Thus, the new album by Igor Zakus is what nobody seems to have done before in the Ukrainian jazz. And the word "song" in the title "Ukrainian Bass Song" appears far not by chance. Generally speaking, this is also an album of duets
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
As a rule the idea of heroic nature has never even crossed the minds of the heroic figures. Moreover they can even get frightened if one alludes to this. But still they continue doing their work. Just because it is their... It’s no use in objecting to the fact that real musicians, the same as the real music, begin with an ability to listen carefully. To listen and to hear.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Yelena Popova strikes with universality, it is difficult to define where she succeeds better – in energetic "hits" or in lyric, delicate ballads. Here she sounds with a bright flash, promises an explosion – and does not cheat, grants powerful emotional splashes. And in a minute – softly, almost in whisper lulls in cozy intonations, causes quiet tremor with her ability to breathe transparently in thick autumn color...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Volodymyr Mihnovetsky. The creator and guardian of the group, masterful and inspired singer, composer, arranger, manager – each of participants of the sextet, probably, will confirm that without this person ManSound could just never have appeared...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
...the basis of the album is vocal improvisations. And so diversified that every next play surprises you without fail. On the whole, it seems, the music balances somewhere on the verge of hard-bop, besides, it contains some transparent ethnic elements.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
It is not enough to have a valuable, high-quality instrument – it is desirable to master it as well. Olga – has mastered it so that we can only be grateful to her. Especially when she sings in lowercase – then, the thought flashes that in Ukraine, presumably, there is simply nobody to compare with her...
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
...Yulia Roma's singing sounds just as that minute of silence before the sunrise, as if blue eyes of a child three-month old, attentively and easily... Music of this voice transforms jazz into soft crystal, it is so masterful that it does not attract any superfluous attention – but you cannot actually stop listening, noticing, feeling – and the sun rises, and the heart elate...
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
Jeffrey P Pascoe
, South Burlington, United States
31-12-2019 22:24 |
Over time, this has become one of my favorite recordings. The music is just so beautiful! I hope for more.
, Ñàõêàì³íü, Óêðà¿íà
07-12-2018 18:04 |
Äóæå ãàðíèé, ìàã³÷íèé àëüáîì. Ìóçèêà ëåãêà ³ ãðàéëèâà. Âçàãàë³ ñõîæå íà âå÷³ðíþ êàçêó â ìóçè÷í³é ôîðì³.
Çðàçó íå ðîçóì³â, ÷îìó öåé àëüáîì ðåêîìåíäóâàëè ìåí³, ÿê "äåô³öèòíèé", àëå, êîëè ïî÷àâ ñëóõàòè, â³ä÷óâ, ÷îìó.
, ×åðí³ã³â, Óêðà¿íà
26-04-2013 20:34 |
Êóïóâàëà äèñê íà ïîäàðóíîê. ϳñëÿ ïåðøîãî ïðîñëóõîâóâàííÿ íå ìîãëà âòðèìàòè ïîçèòèâíèõ åìîö³é. Ïðîíèêëèâî, í³æíî...Ìóçèêà äî ÿêî¿ âåñü ÷àñ õî÷åòüñÿ ïîâåðíóòèñÿ. Çíîâó ðîáëþ çàìîâëåííÿ, òåïåð âæå äëÿ ñåáå.