Olga Voichenko. (feat. A. Schilkloper). Charivni Sny. (Magic Dreams) | | Track Reviews (7) |
It looks like Ukrainian jazz has, finally, started active making up for everything that it did not manage to realize during the last few years. That is why release of every new jazz album is now an important, noticeable event. But when the issue is release of a new album by Olga Voychenko – such event seems twice more noticeable. And that is both because Olga has been for several years already named the best Ukrainian jazz vocalist – and the grounds for that have always been very substantial. And because almost seven years have passed from the moment of release of the first full-value album, and participation in a few additional projects could in no way satisfy the hunger of fans. Rather, vice versa – the hunger has been ever growing, I can witness that. In addition, the public knew that this time a whole cohort of known, bright musicians co-operated with Olga, among them Arkadiy Shilkloper, Vladimir Zinkovsky and many others. Clearly, that it warmed up the impatience. Well, and, in the end, this is an event just because Olga Voychenko has recorded a quite unexpected, but interesting album – she has let free both herself, and the musicians. Here, two Russian-language pieces have been included, and the very animated "My Favorite Things". But the basis of the album is vocal improvisations. And so diversified that every next play surprises you without fail. On the whole, it seems, the music balances somewhere on the verge of hard-bop, besides, it contains some transparent ethnic elements. And, I think, it is just the beginning – it is known that Olga has some serious long-term plans. And, consequently, the experiments will continue. For sure, as the potential is enormous. Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog) Olga Voichenko - vocal Sergey Kapelyushok - guitars (1-4,6), vocal (1,3,4), percussion (8) Arkadiy Schilkloper - horn (1,6) Volodymyr Zinkovsky - fleyta (1) Rodion Ivanov - keyboards (1-4,6) Rustem Bari - perkussion (1) Denis Dudko - bass (1,6) Oleksandr Murenko - drums (1,6) Sergey Makarov - bass (2-4,7) Oleksandr Lebedenko - drums (2-4), percussions (4) Jean Charles Richard - soprano sax (3) Evgeny Didyk - trumpet (3,7) Yuri Shepeta - keyboards (7)
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 3816692 Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Olga Voichenko
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
 | Magic Dreams
(Charivni sny)
music: O. Voychenko - S. Kapelyushok
2. |
 | Tenderness
music: S. Kapelyushok - L. Pastukh
3. |
 | Time
music: S. Kapeljushok
4. |
| Song for Olga (Pisnja dlja Ol'hy)
music: S. Kapeljushok
5. |
 | The Talk with Rain
(Rozmova z doschem)
music: O. Voychenko
6. |
| My Favorite Things
music: R. Rodgers - O. Hammerstein II
7. |
| Otradnoye (Otradnoe)
music: Ju. Poluneev - F. Tjutchev
8. |
| Them There Eyes
music: M. Pinkard - W. Trasy - D. Tauber
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
First, it's just beautiful – and, moreover, not that simple. Anna Mia Quintet musicians have recorded a seemingly chamber album, but this music would be no less appropriate on a large stage. Very intimate, with a bunch of soft pauses and undertones in its colors – and, at the same time, very prominent, voluminous. Interesting..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...And – freedom, needed in treatment of the form and details. This is what this album is comprised of – well, and a jolt of haphazardness, to spell out in words the somewhat absurd lyricism of the world capable of joyfully and sadly beautiful acts. Even if it doesn't (?) make sense. Exhale and inhale, mind and heart, because otherwise – it does not work, it does not dance.
Domestic price: 574.28UAH,
International price: $29.30USD
..on the one hand – the fantasy of jazz musicians. And on the other, all these laces of motions and patterns are thought over and embodied so confidently and easily that this ease allows one to not focus too much, but skip and let it go to the back of one’s mind right away. Instead, one listens to the main melodic line, the beauty and the flexible power of the voice..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
It is a living flow that erodes and connects the banks – the universal language that remembers all dialects, but does not preserve them, gives them space for movement and development. Actually, this is what the entire album is about: the form is changeable, try and feel what does not depend on it – and therefore has the power to change it. And may the power be good.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
The recording is luxurious – perhaps, one could hardy put it in other words. This is something that so far we have not had: a vocal and instrumental album of Ukrainian folk songs at the intersection of jazz, chamber and symphonic, variety art music (such as, for example, songs by Frank Sinatra or Astrud Gilberto)...
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
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International price: $27.90USD
As a rule the idea of heroic nature has never even crossed the minds of the heroic figures. Moreover they can even get frightened if one alludes to this. But still they continue doing their work. Just because it is their... It’s no use in objecting to the fact that real musicians, the same as the real music, begin with an ability to listen carefully. To listen and to hear.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
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Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
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International price: $12.90USD
It is not enough to have a valuable, high-quality instrument – it is desirable to master it as well. Olga – has mastered it so that we can only be grateful to her. Especially when she sings in lowercase – then, the thought flashes that in Ukraine, presumably, there is simply nobody to compare with her...
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International price: $21.90USD
...Yulia Roma's singing sounds just as that minute of silence before the sunrise, as if blue eyes of a child three-month old, attentively and easily... Music of this voice transforms jazz into soft crystal, it is so masterful that it does not attract any superfluous attention – but you cannot actually stop listening, noticing, feeling – and the sun rises, and the heart elate...
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
, Івано-Франківськ, Країна У
22-04-2007 22:20 |
Чудова музика. Дякую !
, Japan
22-03-2007 14:34 |
Nice jazz CD! Well digestion of from bossa, mellow jazz to hard-bop jazz and even a marvelous excursion of atmospheric jazz in the middle( track 5) that appeals especially to Grzegorz Karnas fans( although not swampy like his). Among jazz in Ukraine concerning UMKA, this is, for me, most satisfied one ever!
, Киев, Украина
29-01-2007 15:52 |
Хочу поблагодарить Ольгу за её новый диск, и за удовольствие, которое я получила, слушая его. Очень красивая, свежая, интересная и разная музыка. Люблю эту певицу за красивый тембр голоса, а также за вкус и смак, присутствующий в каждой композиции. Выход диска ждала с нетерпением. Неожиданная интерпретация композиций, даже слышанных ранее на концертах. Хорошую музыку в хорошем исполнении не устаёшь слушать. Каждый раз интересно.
, Kiev, Ukraine
12-01-2007 00:47 |
Этот альбом действительно не самый лучший. И кто это ее назвал лучшей украинской джазовой вокалисткой? У нее хороший голос, прекрасная техника, а музыки нет. Чуда нет.
, Кременчуг, Україна
25-12-2006 19:56 |
Я теж не взахваті ві від войченко. Краще Младу послухати або Ігоря Закуса оце справжній укр. джаз
, Київ, Україна
25-12-2006 19:54 |
Ну це далеко не найкраще з українського джазу. Унас э і набагато кращі джазові музиканти. Таксобі трієчка з натяжкою.
, Mariupol, Ukraine
25-12-2006 10:34 |
Слушал 24-го декабря воскресную передачу на радио "Эра", где была скажем так - премьера этого альбома. Задался обязательной целью преобрести весь альбом! Супер! До этого о развитии отечественного джаза ни когда и не задумывался... Рекомендую!