Catalogue -> Rock & Alternative -> Folk Rock

Rock-H. Spivanochky pro lyubov. /digi-pack/. (Melodies About Love)

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Rock-H. Spivanochky pro lyubov. /digi-pack/. (Melodies About Love)
It would seem that with such a title one should expect from the album if not pink tears with ruffles – then, in any case, some average ballads. But "Rock-H" from the very beginning stood out against the background, and this time, too, they do not disappoint. No, there is space for ballads – but they are mainly cooked so that you want more. Nevertheless, there are also rock and roll pieces, and energetic hits. On the one hand, one can feel the influence of the Western art rock of the 1970's, on the other – something of the festive colorfulness of Ukrainian VIEs of the 1980s, on the third – unobtrusive but obvious rootedness in the purely Ukrainian melos (after all, the material obliges). And this is not so much about how much drive there is – there's not only drive – it is just that in some parts it is very beautiful, and that's it. And there is healthy (self)irony. And a pinch of magic, sure – no way you can do without it. Maybe, there is no other explanation of where from such a strong sense of limitless space over your head emerges in the rock music. Or, probably, it is not needed.

Publisher: SAME TAK!
Year: 2016

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:

Domestic price: 507.64UAH
International price: $25.90USD
1. Mp3
2. Mp3Myhalju
3. Mp3Kolyskova
4.  Try don‘ky
5.  Beskydom ishla
6. Mp3Hori hay
7. Mp3Mlada nevista
8.  Halju
9. Mp3Javore
10. Mp3Juryku
11.  Volodju
12.  Dokit‘ s‘ me u Rokashy
 Total playing time: 40:48

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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