Nothing to say – Voanerges' new work is a joy. Maybe, the thing is that the first album, "Zlata Vrata", consisted of pieces that had already been released before – and now we have a date with newer, fresh material. Or, possibly, it is just that during the time that has passed the guys have had something changed, something has crystallized in their very creative manner. Anyway, the new work by the group does sound nice. If before we could say that one of its main features is young cheerfulness, now – the lightness characteristic of mature people appears already. No visible haste, confident motions, precise lines, rich colors – but natural, not artificial. There is no dissonance in these bright flashes – that is why they come into notice, and at that they are not boring. There seems to be less external drive now, but the internal force has become more perceptible – and it touches deeper than the ordinary drive. For this reason, the whole album is accepted easily, deliciously, at one breathing. However, you'd better make sure herself.
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 5099 9 206693 2 4 Year: 2008
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Voanerges
Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
See also:
..here the Christmas holiday is rather an initial impulse, an occasion to talk about the joy of life, birth, the joy of paving the way towards something positive in one's own heart – something that makes one capable of giving and receiving gifts with gratitude.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
..topics of songs by Opozicia cover an extensive range of themes. And, strictly speaking, Christian morality is the foundation, not a flag. That is why in the group's texts it is possible to hear a great number of poignant social issues – these guys are not afraid to admit that problems exist, they are not afraid to give them their true names.
Domestic price: 280.28UAH 154.25UAH
International price: $14.30USD $7.87USD
The group Kroky (Steps) stands out for two reasons. First – against the general background, as creativity of the group is subordinated to ideas not quite typical for lyric underground. And to continue – the group advantageously differs even against the background of their trend colleagues.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
, красилів, ukra
02-06-2009 12:33 |
суперово, слухаю вже 5 раз і все більше в'їжджаю, всі пісні різні, але всі
"voanerges - yesss"!
, Xarkiv, ua
05-04-2009 23:08 |
, Fastoff, UA
12-06-2008 13:19 |
Ничего так, некотурЪе весчи руляд
, Głogów, Polska/Poland
20-03-2008 18:33 |
Pozwolę sobie napisać po polsku.
Gdy otrzymałam płyte zafascynowała mnie okładka..pełna barw, typowo wiosenna, nastrojowa.
Uważam że wszystkie płyty które do tej pory wydał zespół Voanerges są fantastyczne. Cieszę się, że po osłuchaniu się już z płytą "Vertepno" oraz "Zlata Vrata" przyszedł czas na "HajMaki". Bardzo miło jest połuchać czegoś nowego. Myślę że muzyka Voanerges jest i nastrojowa i taka do której można potańczyć. Naprawdę, wszystkim bardzo polecam szczególnie tym którzy być może wahają się nad zakupem tejże płyty. Każdy zjadzie coś dla siebie. Życzę zespołowi Voanerges by ich twórczość była dla wielu ludzi świadectwem patriotyzmu oraz głębokiej wiary.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Polski! :)
, Переяслав, Україна
20-03-2008 13:23 |
Жирний альбом, хлопці, кожен день слухаю. ЩедРок у вас поки що найкращий з усіх почутих Щедриків. А ваші бабусі в jungle танцюють по-африканськи?
, Lviv, UA
16-03-2008 20:46 |
Класний саунд у команди. Дійсно, є якась внутрішня сила в музиці, все глибше, ніж в попередньому альбомі.