We have already repeatedly indicated that child's singing is a separate phenomenon in music. However, it is not a secret – and the church institution, in its turn, long ago made this fact well known. But today – it goes not about churches, but simply about singing. There is something very touching in how clear voices sing lilts about child joys, adventures, discoveries... For adults, entrance into this world is, unfortunately, forbidden. Maybe, for the exception of some distinguished talents – those who have grown up and have not lost their childhood. And why are there so few of such people? It seems to me that if there were more of them, there would be fewer lies in this world. Because a lie starts where a persons gets afraid. And when a person starts being afraid – exactly with it his/her maturing begins. That is the connection that I suppose... But the disk is called "Good Mood" – and it is quite justified. Because sincere child singing is able to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead of even a very grown person. You know, I sometimes feel sorry that child's songs are especially written for children. If they sang other songs, about "adult" problems, discoveries and adventures – I am sure that adults would start perceiving life more easily and quietly. Because this magic of fresh clarity – it does not know any barriers, it simply makes the sky clearer. Just children do not know that there are things that cannot be changed. And that is why – sometimes they change them...
Publisher: Astra Records Catalogue number: A.R. 038-06 Year: 2006
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD