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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 502.60UAH
International: $35.90USD
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Catalogue -> Gift Ideas -> Christmas

Ensemble "Masteroñk". Rejoice To Christ’s Birth!

Reviews (1)
Ensemble "Masteroñk". Rejoice To Christ’s Birth!
When I first saw the title "Masterok" ("Little Master"), I thought at once that at this album I would hear children’s voices. My assumptions proved to be correct, as "Masterok" is a children’s ensemble that comes from Dnipropetrovsk region. And as you know, the sounding of a children’s choir practically never leaves any listener indifferent. Especially when children sing Christmas carols. Clearly about clear things - it is touching, isn’t it? Still the age of performers is not the only trump card of the ensemble. Let each listener estimate by himself the skillfulness of both authors (since author’s songs are also presented here) and performers. The main thing is – not to forget from which miracle this disc and his relatives come from. Do you remember? Is this holiday pleasant? Then, try to remember about pleasure not only in the middle of winter, but also during the whole year. Here you are.

Publisher: Atlantic
Year: 2005

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Ensemble "Masteroñk"

Domestic price: 208.60UAH
International price: $14.90USD
1.  Glory to the Lord (Slava Bohu rozhdenomu)
2. Mp3Wonderful news (Dyvnaja novyna)
3. Mp3Angels in the sky (Anhely v nebi)
4.  In the field (Oj, u poli)
5.  Great King of heaven (Hospodi Boh predvichnyj)
6.  On the Christmas Eve (Na Rizdvo Hrystove)
7. Mp3The Son of Lord is born (Narodyvsja Syn Bozhyj)
8.  Land of Judaea (Zemlja Iudejs'ka)
9.  Don’t cry Rachel (Ne plach Rahile)
10. Mp3Rejoice (Vozveselymsja)
11.  Let’s go brother (Pidem brate)
12.  Love of the Lord (Ljubov Hospodnja)
13.  Bless to the Lord (Slava Tobi Hospody)
 Total playing time: 48:06

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Domestic price: 208.60UAH
International price: $14.90USD
See also:

Harnyj nastrij. Children Sing. Golden Collection. (Good Mood)

...because sincere child singing is able to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead of even a very grown person. You know, I sometimes feel sorry that child's songs are especially written for children. If they sang other songs, about "adult" problems, discoveries and adventures – I am sure that adults would start perceiving life more easily and quietly.
Domestic price: 320.60UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Children's choir "Vesnivka". Vesnivka.

Usually, you can hear it in performance of children collectives – this childishness. In this case – the singing is neither childish, nor adult. It is masterful. It is sufficient to abandon limitations of usual determinations. Sufficient to charm with purity of performance...
Domestic price: 306.60UAH, International price: $21.90USD

The Dmytro Bortnianskyi Ñhamber Ñhoir. Dobryj vechir tobi, pane hospodarju!

...thanks to such music you feel that this world is big and there is enough space for everything in it, and first of all, there is enough space for gladness. Gladness, you know, is the thing, which should be by all means shared with other...
Domestic price: 390.60UAH, International price: $27.90USD

Reviews (1)

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Tetiana Shkolna. Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/. (The Right Time)
Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette
Domestic: 138.60UAH
International: $9.90USD
Dakh Daughters. Make Up. /digi-pack/.
Dakh Daughters: what's behind the mask
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD
Plach Yeremiji. Dobre. /cassette/. (Good)
Plach Yeremii. Dobre. /cassette/
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD
BUDU band. Vydykh Vdykh. (2CD). /premium, eco-pack/. (Exhale Inhale)
beautiful acts
Domestic: 410.20UAH
International: $29.30USD