The same way as before, the singing of this choir at once stimulates good feelings. Sometimes it happens that you bury your head into the sand, sit quietly and neither see nor disturb anyone and quietly eat your salad, when suddenly something like this album falls into your hands. And then the life somehow gets simple, and you require more space, and you set off. Sometimes you set off to the nearest park and sometimes you set off to an unknown city or somewhere else. Because thanks to such music you feel that this world is big and there is enough space for everything in it, and first of all, there is enough space for gladness. Gladness, you know, is the thing, which should be by all means shared with others. At that, it should be shared sincerely, like, for example, this choir does it. It does not matter that this choir is a chamber one, as it unceremoniously broadens the horizon. At the same time the feeling of cosiness remains with you. May be, the explanation of all these things is that Christmas carols and shchedrivki are recorded at this disc. Since Christmas holidays are associated with the native place. In other words, it is warm.
Publisher: UKRmusic Catalogue number: UM - CD 021 Year: 2005
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- The Dmytro Bortnianskyi Ñhamber Ñhoir
Domestic price: 546.84UAH
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