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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
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Catalogue -> Folk -> Golden Collection

Instrumental'ni hity Ukrajins'koji estrady. Golden Collection. (Instrumental Hits of Ukrainian Variety Art)

Reviews (5)
Instrumental'ni hity Ukrajins'koji estrady. Golden Collection. (Instrumental Hits of Ukrainian Variety Art)

It is not every day that such soft and tender discs like this one appear. So, now when it has already appeared, I advise you not to pass by it, because there is so much positive things in this music as may be only in pleasant memories about one’s childhood. I have not remembered about childhood by chance, because it contains melodies, which were popular in different times, starting with 70-th and finishing with 90-th of the previous century. Most of us were children exactly in those times. Though if not in those times, still it will not prevent you from enjoying this music. Even if it is gloomily in the street, or it is raining or something like that. The explanation is that this music is really sunny and cheerful. If it is not be able to turn the clouds away, still it is be able to take the clouds away from your forehead, moreover, it is able to do that easily. There is one more aspect here. Only melodies are recorded at this disc, but most of them are melodies to famous and favourite songs. That’s why as an alternative this disc may be used for karaoke singing, all the more so, since it is recorded much better and with higher quality than a usual karaoke.

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

Publisher: Astra Records
Catalogue number: A.R. 013-05
Year: 2005

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1. Mp3Kyjeve mij
music: I. Shamo
2. Mp3Parafraz na temu pisni "Dva kol'ory"
music: O. Bilash
3.  Jaseny
music: O. Bilash
4.  Chervoni maky
music: R. Stravyc'kyj
5.  Try porady
music: I. Shamo
6.  Kompozycija na temu pisni "Narodzhennja dnja"
music: V. Ivasjuk
7.  Sonjashnyk
music: O. Bilash
8. Mp3Moldavanochka
music: O. Bilash
9.  Moja ljubov – moja zemlja
music: I. Karabyc'
10.  Dzvenyt' u zorjah nebo chyste
music: O. Bilash
11.  Cvitut' osinni tyhi nebesa
music: O. Bilash
12.  Parafraz na temu pisni "Osinnje zoloto"
music: I. Shamo
13. Mp3Parafraz na temu "Pisni pro rushnyk"
music: P. Majboroda
14.  Nich taka misjachna
music: ukrainian folk song
15.  Jihav kozak za Dunaj
music: ukrainian folk song
16.  Parafraz na temu pisni "Namaljuj meni nich"
music: M. Skoryk
17.  Marichka
18.  Ochi voloshkovi
music: S. Sabadash
19.  Fantazija na temu pisni "Kyjivs'kyj val's"
music: P. Majboroda
20.  Ridna zemle moja
music: P. Majboroda
 Total playing time: 71:43

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Vyno, zhinky ta pisni. Golden Collection. (Wine, Women and Songs)

The theme of today's disc is close to, as a minimum, half of human population of the planet. Judging by everything, it was also close to the performers represented here – these songs are performed with appreciable enthusiasm.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Slavetni val'sy. Hrajut‘ dukhovi orkestry. Golden Collection. (The Famous Waltzes. Performed by Wind Orchestras)

Personally for me this music draws such a picture – summertime, a park, children with ice cream and balloons in their hands, parents walking leisurely, unexpected meetings with old acquaintances and a lot of smiles.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

The Best Songs of Ukrainian Variety Art of XX ct. Part 2. Golden collection.

Every voice, every melody, every text are the treasure of Ukrainian variety art tested by time. That is why it is both a little strange, and pleasant that songs on the disk do not compete among themselves, but complement each other, mutually emphasize the advantages.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Dmytro Sydorov. Vverkh po reke. A Music Journey. /digi-pack/. (Up Along the River)

"Up Along the River" is not just an album of instrumental music, but it is a music journey. The nine tracks will guide you through spontaneous music revelations. I see this path as a path along the river called life...
Domestic price: 233.24UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Pylyp Dovhan'. Suzir’ja Del'finiv. (Constellation of Dolphins)

Philip Dovgan is quite a young composer, now he is only 14. However, it did not prevent him from recording a full-value author disc. Moreover, the "Constellation of Dolphins" is not just a selection of compositions by Philip, this is an album, which has its concept and integral structure.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Yuriy Sayenko. Kvity u Rosi. Fantaziji na temy pisen' I. Bilozira.

I simply don’t imagine a more appropriate way of paying respect to a person, especially to an artistic person, in other than artistic way. Moreover, if art is embodied into such harmonious forms.
Domestic price: 233.24UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Reviews (5)

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Hmyrya, NAOFI. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette
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